Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Water Water Everywhere

I don't know why today's theme was water, but it totally was.

Backtracking to last night, I made my Mexican chicken casserole thing and it actually turned out pretty good.  Made rice for the first time - kind of messed it up but I got it off the pot eventually.  And here's where our last 24 hours have been water-centric.

So we noticed that the sink wasn't draining properly.  Like it was draining really slow, but it was still draining.  And then I walked away for an hour and when I came back, the sink was full of disgusting water and it wasn't draining at all.  Great.  Obviously one of the roommates doesn't know that when the sink starts acting like that, you have to be very delicate with it.  The other side of our sink was still kind of draining so I managed to get all my dishes washed and all that so that was okay.  But still.  We emailed the landlord and he was going to come today about it.

So then, I go to class this morning, everything's fine and then I get home around noon only to be informed that not only is our sink still not fixed (supposedly they're coming tomorrow to fix it - oh goody) but there is no water in our apartment.  No sink, toilet, shower.  Oh goody.  And we didn't know when it was going to come back on.

The short of it is that it did come back on around 5:30 so we were without it for about 6 hours and I spent part of that time at the library but still.  What the hell.  And apparently it was a whole building problem, not just us.  So that's better than it just being us, I guess.

Oh and the other reason today was themed with water.  I was walking home and stopped literally for two seconds to look at some jewelry in a window and the next thing I know I was covered in water.  Some lady had walked outside to water her plants and had tripped and dumped the water on me.  Lovely.  Luckily, it wasn't too bad and she didn't coat anything too important but still.  Me no likey.

For dinner, I'll probably have leftovers.  Ooh and the yogurt Jessica got me hooked on.  Yum.

Oh yeah, and I registered for the fall today.  3/5 of my classes are set and what I needed, so that's good.  The other two could change depending on whether I get into abnormal psychology like I want and what my adviser says when I get back home.  Because I'm in bioethics, which I think sounds interesting, but I think I would rather take like intro to graphic design or something.  But I might have to take more general electives, which sucks.  But I will figure all that out when I get home.  So yay, no more thinking about registration.

Oh and I got asked to write a recommendation letter for a friend of mine.  Which I've never done before, so that should be interesting.  Doing that tonight.  Yay.

And I think I've made some changes to my three week plan, but I'm too lazy to post them now plus I'm not sure about them.  So I'll do them tomorrow (how Scarlett would be proud of me).


1 comment:

  1. Really hope you will do the rest of spring break complete with pictures!!! I have loved reading your stories!
