Monday, April 15, 2013

Monday Funday

Okay it wasn't really a funday but it rhymed so I thought it was cute.  Well, it was kind of a funday.  I still had to get up early though.

Insert more promises about getting caught up and photos up here.

Saturday didn't do much.  Me and Jessica did sit in the Boboli Gardens at Palazzo Pitti for about 2.5 hours which was really nice.  The weather has been really good here.  Supposedly, all the rain and cold is behind us, but we'll see.

The only thing I did of note on Sunday was I did a lot of booking for my three weeks.  Got all my flights booked except for one and I've found places to stay for just about everywhere.  So I'm doing good.

Class today was fine.  In Holocaust, we had a Holocaust survivor come talk to us.  Essentially, her family moved around a lot and hid until they were able to get into Allied-liberated territory.  Let me make one thing clear:  I appreciate and have immense respect for every single person to come out of this terrible time period alive.  Everyone's story is unique and incredible, simply for the fact that they survived.  However, I must admit (however rude of me) that there are some stories that more interesting than others.  And, when your story is just that you were hiding, it's not terribly interesting.  So yeah.  That was that.

Italian class was fine.  I honestly feel like such a know-it-all in that class but I can't help it.  Languages are easy for me and it doesn't take me long to learn how to do something.  And the other girls in my class need help.  Really though.  Especially one girl who sits next to me.  Good lord.  It's just pathetic.

Cooking class was pretty good though.  The teacher loves me.  Like I've said earlier, there's 12 or 13 of us total and everyone except 3 of us all know each other and are friends.  And they're loud and obnoxious.  So they're always talking over the teacher and not paying attention while me, another girl and another boy all don't know each other so we're quiet and we pay attention.  And we help clean up.  So the teacher knows who we are and always asks us how we're doing and stuff.

So today, after most of the food was eaten and tasted, the group basically just left without really helping to do anything.  So after they left, the teacher told me and the guy (the girl was out today) that we could sit and eat in peace for a minute without the others.  And she told us that the other students are not as excellent as us.  So I really am not worried about this class because I'm pretty sure she'd give me a 100 just for not being a shithead.  So anyways.

Today we had four dishes:  pizza alla napolitana (aka margherita pizza which in Italy is pizza with tomato sauce, mozzarella and basil - not like margarita pizza in the US), a stewed eggplant and tomato dish, deep-fried mozzarella sandwich, and struffoli (fried pastries with a honey-orange glaze).  It was all pretty good actually but the struffoli were probably my favorite.

I don't know why but today it seemed like we had a much smaller class.  But anyways, me and the boy were in charge of the pizzas.  We each made one and mine was totally better.  Just saying.

Look at that crust.  Look how nicely it's rolled out.  I think I have a future career in this.

Stewed dish -  not really sure what this was...I don't think anyone else was either

Deep fried mozzarella sandwich...oh yeah

 Struffoli - just as addicting as you would think

 My pizza!! Looks kickass right??  It was

Hm let's see, after class, I meandered home, enjoying the awesome weather.  And then I've just been messing around, thinking about doing homework (hah) and now doing this.

So yeah.  That's about it.  I think.  


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