Tuesday, April 23, 2013

This Week Really Should Not Exist

It is so pointless.  3 days of class, including one that was canceled.  Honestly.

So I didn't have art again today (yessssss - I like this whole sleeping in until 11:30 business).  Literature was fine - introductory stuff for Boccaccio so not that interesting but still fun.

And then I spent the rest of the day working on my paper, eating lunch, relaxing, etc.  For dinner, me, Liz, Jamie and Erika went out to Tijuana 2 since it was Erika's birthday this past weekend.  I got nachos - delicious and a frozen strawberry margarita which was amazing.

Yum yum margaritas

Now I'm sitting here, after finally taking a shower.  I couldn't take one last night because someone was doing laundry and again before dinner, I wanted to take a shower but someone was doing laundry.  Ugh.  And now it's back to working on my paper before going to bed.  What an exciting life I lead.

The good news is that tomorrow, we leave for the Amalfi Coast.  It's only me and Jessica going from my apartment but there are some other UNC students going, which will be fun.  But I'll be working on my paper probably until an hour before we leave, at which point I'll quickly pack and head out.  Hopefully I'll get enough done so that I don't have to stress over the weekend.  Let's hope so.


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