Thursday, April 18, 2013

So Not Fair

Today was fine.  Except for the fact that I'm pretty sure I'm sick.  I'm coughing, my throat hurts, and I'm achy.  Hopefully it's just the weather change and I'll be over it soon.

Especially because we're leaving for Sicily tomorrow!! We'll be in Palermo and even though I'm not really sure what to do there, it'll be warm and sunny so I'm definitely excited.

Didn't have art today so I got to sleep in until 11.  That was really nice.  And literature was fine, nothing terribly exciting.

And then I spent most of the day lying in bed.  I did get some work done on my paper, which is good.  As soon as I have it mostly finished by the time I leave for the Amalfi Coast, I'll be happy.

Oh and we got gelato tonight - I got tiramisu and strawberry.  It was really good.  Yum yum.  Hopefully I'll have some good gelato in Sicily!! I'M SO EXCITED!!


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