Monday, April 22, 2013

I Thought We Were Done With Rain

Yeah, it rained again today.  Not amused, Firenze, not amused.

I spent the weekend in Sicily - blog post to follow (hah).  Long story short:  some parts were really pretty, a lot of it was icky and I don't feel the need to go back.

Today was fine.  Class was class, nothing interesting. 

In cooking class, we had five dishes:  some bread with different cheeses, oils and anchovies, stir-fried broccoli rabe, pasta with broccoli rabe, a fish cooked in tomatoes, onions, etc., and a dessert that was basically chocolate mousse with soft cookies.  Because I'm still sick, I can't really taste stuff but I'm pretty sure everything was fine.  Surprised I didn't hate the broccoli rabe but I'll have to try it when I'm not sick.

Bread and cheese

Pasta with broccoli rabe and stir-fried broccoli rabe



Tried to work on my paper some - got distracted when swatting a mosquito led to a 45 minute attempt to get my shift key back on the keyboard (successfully I might add).  And now I'm working on my paper, updating this, and heading to bed.

Let's hope I feel better tomorrow.  I hate being sick.


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