Friday, February 15, 2013

What a Stupid Idea

So, yesterday was Valentine's Day. It didn't really mean that much but still. First real holiday in Italy!

Class was fine, nothing new. I am loving my literature professor more and more as class goes on - so that's really good. And we're about to start Dante - yesssssss. I am really really excited.

After class, I came back, had lunch and began the long process of calling Wells Fargo. Okay, I should give them their credit. I really didn't have to do much. I told them about the charges, they've sent a claim (I hope), closed the debit card, are sending me a new one here in Italy (though it's in 5-7 days...really though, there's no overnight option?) and I've put in an application for my credit limit to be raised. So all in all, it went okay. Literally the only bad part was that my phone dropped the call twice so I ended up talking to 5 people at Wells Fargo, while having mini panic attacks that because we got cut off, something was wrong, but I think everything is okay. Phew. Let's hope the debit card gets here no problem and my life can once again continue on.

For dinner, we went to Dante's Pizzeria. Where they had...wait for unlimited wine for students. Yes, you read that correctly. Free. Unlimited. Wine. Needless to say, we indulged a fair amount and thus, this morning was a bit of a struggle. I certainly was not at my perkiest. But the museum was kind of interesting and it didn't take that long. Once I had had a sandwich, some Sprite and a nap, I felt a lot better.

Let's see, after class we came back and Jessica announced that she wanted to go to the doctor. Last night, she had fallen and sprained her ankle pretty badly and she wanted to make sure it wasn't broken. Luckily, Liz took her to the doctor so I got to sit around all afternoon. They actually ended up going to the hospital to get x-rays, so it took them quite awhile. But it is only a sprain, and she got some pain meds so I think she'll be okay. Rome should be interesting though.

For dinner, Liz and I got Mexican food. I had nachos. They were delicious. We will definitely be back there.

And now, I'm showering and packing for Rome because we're planning on leaving the apartment at 5:30. Ughhhhh. It's worth it, it's worth it, it's worth it.


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