Monday, February 25, 2013

Mondays Should Really Just Be Outlawed

Especially if you're sick. Which I am. A bit better but still congested, coughy and now, I can't hear very well. Great.

Class was average today. Watched some of "Life is beautiful." Looks good so far but I have a feeling it's going to get really sad. Italian class was fine - our presentation turned out to be more of a conversation so it was no big thing.

After my first two classes, I had lunch and called Wells Fargo again, only to be told everything I already knew. Sigh. Please, Wells Fargo, can it be over now? Probably not.

Then I had cooking class. We had some kind of fish with mushrooms (pretty good), wilted radicchio (good but radicchio is still a bit strong for me), tiramisu (incredible) and the only really interesting part of class, this potato and cheese dish.

So it was supposed to be something akin to hashbrown cakes with cheese in them AKA it was supposed to be crispy on both sides. Keep this in mind. Also, keep in mind our teacher is this Italian lady who doesn't speak great English and basically thinks butter is a crime. So we (I say we - but I mean other students) got it all mixed, it was time to cook it. They started out by making a huge single cake in a very thick layer of butter and attempting to cook it that way. Which might have worked except that the mixture was wayyyyy too creamy. The girl mixing had gotten a little carried away. They had also grated the potatoes when they were still too hot. Already we were headed for trouble. So, after toying with the one huge cake, they decided it was a no go and our teacher stepped in. Her idea was to pour a ton of olive oil into the pan and put small cakes in that. Which also might have worked, had she let the oil get hot enough. Which she did not. She also didn't leave it alone enough to form cakes - she kept stirring it. So those also turned to be a no go. We still ate it, but they weren't cripsy. Then we decided to Americanize it. We poured a ton of vegetable oil, let it get really hot and put small cakes in. Which probably would have worked had our teacher not stirred them again. I was like, "Listen lady, if there's one thing Americans know how to do, it's fry something. Back off." But alas, she did not. They were still delicious though.

Fish on left and radicchio on right

Potato thing

Tiramisu dish

My preciousssss

After class, it's just been hanging out at home and pretending to do homework. Ooh and stressing about graduating - that's a new worry though. Glad to know I'm panicking early.


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