Wednesday, February 6, 2013

My Struggle Vehicle Has Been Downgraded

So, sorry I didn't blog yesterday. I was just honestly way too busy and then when I remembered I should blog, it was 1 am and I voted for sleep. But luckily, I have time today to do a big post, so get ready.

Okay so, let's go through class yesterday. First class was Renaissance Art at Italian Courts. So far, meh. I can't really tell what the class is going to be like, except for a lot of work. And the professor kind of has an accent that annoys, just slightly. And I was almost falling asleep so that probably tainted my opinion of class. But I have it again tomorrow so I can re-evaluate then. The nice (and annoying) thing is that this class does a lot of museum visits, so it will be cool to learn about a piece and then go see it. But it's annoying because it means having things on Fridays which would prevent us from leaving for the weekend until after that is done. Alas, that's the deal I suppose. But yeah, I'm going to reserve my opinion until after tomorrow's class.

Then I had my literature class, which I'm actually excited for. The professor seems super nice and down to Earth and he's aware of how much work we have so he's only making us read the essentials for all our books. And of course, I'm excited to read Dante again. I remember really loving the Inferno, so I'm definitely excited to read that again. And even though we have a 10 page paper due at the end of the term, it can be on anything we want and the Inferno is one of the easiest books to write on because of how symbolic it is. So I'm relieved about that.

After class, I came back to the apartment and took inventory of all the books and course packs I needed and what was already at the apartment. I did manage to use a fair amount of books that are already here, so that was nice. And I got all the rest of my books and course packs and notebooks. I still need a planner, a folder and possibly one course pack, so in terms of school supplies, I'm doing good.

After shopping, I came back to the apartment, finally had lunch and took a quick nap. Then I talked to Mom for awhile (which was awesome), had dinner and went to the travel tips meeting hosted by the school. I wish I could say it was informative and not a waste of my time but I can't. They focused mainly on how to travel around Italy (like detailed descriptions of the buses and trains) which was kind of nice, except that I knew 80% of it and the other 20% I could have easily figured out. They barely touched on plane travel and didn't give any recommendations about looking for places to stay. So all in all, I wish I hadn't gone but you can't change the past. Unfortunately.

After the meeting, me, Jessica and Liz sat down and really tried to plan everything, factoring in school and holidays and after much debate, we finally have a tentative schedule, which I will put at the end of this post, along with a tentative schedule for my three weeks (or more accurately, a list of places I want to in the three weeks). So if you're reading this, let me know what you think. Seriously. I want to know. After our "family meeting" (as I affectionately called it), it was midnight. So I got in the shower, did my homework and went to bed. Yes, I forgave blogging for sleep but I stand by my decision.

Today, I had my Holocaust class and Italian class. Both went fine, nothing really major. It's becoming more and more apparent that some of the girls in my Italian class need help. It's pitiful really. But I can't tell them what to do, no matter how much I might want to so I guess we'll see how it goes. After class, I came back and had lunch, took a much needed nap, did all my homework for tomorrow, organized my room and now I'm blogging. The plan is once I'm done, go have dinner and then spend the rest of night working on my paper. ICK. A necessary but true evil. Luckily, it's just a reflection paper. How many times do you think I can say, "All I really want to do in Italy is drink wine and eat pasta, please leave me alone" before they notice?

Haha, now the interesting part. The tentative weekend schedule is as follows:

Feb 9 and 10: OPEN
Feb 16 and 17: Rome and the Vatican
Feb 21 - 24: Interlaken
Feb 28 - Mar 3: Prague, Munich and Dachau
Mar 9 and 10: Nice, Montecarlo and the French Riviera
Mar 16 and 17: OPEN
Mar 21 - Apr 1: SPRING BREAK - Barcelona, Paris, London, Ireland (including Dublin and countryside)
Apr 4 - 7: Cinque Terre and Arezzo (the market runs again then and I definitely want to go back)
Apr 13 and 14: OPEN
Apr 18 - 21: Amalfi Coast (Pompeii, Capri) and Venice
Apr 24 - 29: LIBERATION DAY WEEKEND - Greece (Athens, Corfu, Santorini)
May 4 and 5: OPEN
May 11 and 12: OPEN (but this is the weekend before finals start so possibly nothing)

So now, in terms of my three weeks, these are the cities right now I'm thinking of going to.
- Barcelona
- Madrid
- Lisbon*
- Paris
- London (including Cardiff)
- Glasgow/Edinburgh
- Amsterdam
- Brussels*
- Germany*
- Vienna
- Budapest*
- Florence

I think that's all of them. The ones with *s are ones I'm considering. I would only go somewhere in Germany if one of my friends was going to be there (which at the moment, two of them are talking about it). Thoughts/comments/suggestions are encouraged.

Phew, I was right, this is long. Oh well.


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