Friday, February 8, 2013

Official End of Struggle Week (I Hope)

Okay so, I promise I am going to try to blog every day, but sometimes, a girl has to get some sleep.

So yesterday, I had class in the morning. Renaissance Art was meh again. I don't think that class is going to be one of my favorites, which is sad because I think if it was taught well it really could be but alas, you can't have everything in Firenze. The good news is that I'm actually excited for my literature class. The professor seems awesome, the material seems like it will be interesting, and he seems to have a good grasp on the fact that we have other classes and travel plans, which I very much appreciate. We're still going over general stuff but we're starting Dante pretty soon, which I am (sadly) very excited for.

After class, I took a quick nap and then woke up to remember that I had to complete my paper. Blechhhhhh. But first, I got to talk to Mom for awhile and she awesomely agreed to help me plan my three weeks and do some research, which is awesome and I really appreciate. I've decided that I do want to go to Lisbon, which means I'll probably end up taking off either Brussels or Budapest (or possibly both depending on other things, like Germany). And even though it's not final, it's nice to start planning and researching, because, as my Mom said, it's kind of like going twice. You get to plan all the things you're going to do and see and then you get to actually live it!! I'm getting really excited for my three weeks now. I'm actually getting excited for the whole semester now, now that I've been to class and we've gotten a major headstart on planning weekends. I think I just needed to get into a routine and now that I have, sigh. I can finally relax (I hope).

For dinner on Thursday, after being super jealous of Jessica when she had breakfast for dinner, Liz, Alex, Jamie and I went out to the Diner (the American restaurant) and also had breakfast for dinner. Pancake, egg, bacon, home fries and chocolate milkshake. No pictures though, I ate it too quickly. It was delicious, so I'm sure we'll be back.

Ooh and I finally got my Firenze Moleskine!! I've already started writing in it restaurants and places and notes. I actually think it could be really useful, who would have guessed. Turns out it was sitting in my mailbox because it didn't come in as a package. So who knows how long it has actually been here. Regardless, I'm happy to finally have it in my hands and to start filling it out. Any suggestions of things to put in it would be welcome.

Right, back to Thursday. After dinner, we came back to the apartment, where I finally finished and submitted my paper and decided to really go out for the first time in Firenze. We had been out once but it was like for half an hour so I don't really count that. We didn't do too much, just hung out at one bar for a bit (where we met up with another UNC student who was fun) and then we went to another bar where some of roommates did karaoke and we met some Italian guys. They were surprisingly nice and not creepy. Guess stereotypes work both ways. After the second bar, we tried to find the secret bakery and after wandering for a bit, everyone but me and Jessica decided to go home but Jessica was convinced she knew where it was and I didn't mind walking along. We finally did find it but the line was huge so we decided to leave it for another night and came home. Finally went to bed around 3.

Needless to say, I didn't get up until like 1 today. Then, after deciding we were all too lazy to cook for lunch, Erika, Liz, Jamie and I went out to lunch. We ended up just getting pizza at this random cafe. Not the best pizza I've had (that title is still held by Gusta Pizza) but it wasn't bad. The nice thing was it was a huge pizza, so much that all I had for dinner tonight was an apple and some water. After lunch, I finally got cash out of the ATM (first time I've done it and no problems, score!) and we just came back to the apartment. After lazing around for a couple of hours, Jessica and I got together to plan out our day tomorrow - we're doing a day trip to Bologna! Supposedly it's super beautiful - but really, where in Italy isn't beautiful? We even bought our train tickets and everything - cross your fingers that it works!

After planning, we got ready to leave the apartment for....wait for it.....A CHOCOLATE FESTIVAL. That's right, read that again. A festival. Of chocolate. There really wasn't anyone there which was kind of weird but it was still awesome. And I actually do have some pictures!

Santa Maria Novella Church facade and some of the stalls


More chocolate

The one thing I bought: a cup of strawberries with chocolate drizzled on top with whipped cream. I know, I know Mom, I ruined my chocolate with fruit but it was too good to pass up.

It was sooooooooo good. It's open until February 17th so we'll probably be back. It was too cold to stay out there for very long.

So yeah, that's the update on the past two days. Tomorrow: Bologna. Let's hope it doesn't rain (now that I've said it...)



  1. Well, I just need to go to the Chocolate Festival so that I can make up for your faux pas with the chocolate and the fruit! HaHa

  2. Yes you do. In fact, you need to transport here immediately. That would be nice.
