Sunday, February 3, 2013

Technically I Did Get Out Of Bed

But it wasn't for long. Today was definitely a lazy day.

Didn't get out of bed until 1:30, didn't have the energy or desire to make lunch until 3. I was going to try to go to the Gregorian Chant/Latin Mass at 5:30 at San Miniato al Monte above Piazzale Michelangelo but that didn't happen. My legs (and specifically my knees) are still tired from yesterday and I didn't want to aggravate them. Plus, I know everyone says this, but I literally have all semester to go.

What I did do today was hang out, upload all my photos to Shutterfly, get ready for classes tomorrow and relax. We also ordered in Mexican food for dinner which was surprisingly not too bad. Not as good as Mexican food that's at least on the same continent as Mexico but still, not too shabby.

Tomorrow I have class at 9, 10:45 and 3. And it's a Monday. Blergh. But I'm excited to start class so I can start to envision how the semester is going to go and thus begin to plan my traveling for the semester. For example, Liz and I were just talking briefly about Spring Break and a potential idea would be to do Barcelona, Madrid and Paris. Now doesn't that sound like heaven?


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