Wednesday, February 27, 2013

I Don't Have a Cute Title for Today

Sorry. I'm pretty zapped out. And today was pretty uneventful.

Watched some more of Life is Beautiful today. Not quite done but I have a feeling the saddest parts are yet to come. Italian class was fine, nothing too special. Had a meeting with my adviser about how the semester is going. Didn't talk about much since I think the semester's going fine. Had lunch, did homework, took a nap, did more homework, did some planning and now I'm writing this.

Still sick. I just wish I could break through the hearing aspect. Because I'm congested, I can't hear well. It's really obnoxious. If I could break that, I'd be fine with coughing and whatever. Hopefully soon.

Tomorrow we leave for Prague and Munich!!! Should be a very exciting weekend - if not super busy. I probably won't be able to post so you'll have to forgive the lack of communication for a bit.

Oh yeah and my visit presentation for my Renaissance Art class is tomorrow - oh joy. Let's see how awkward this is.


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