Sunday, February 24, 2013

My Coughing Might Be Louder Than The Italians

Still sick. Now I'm more congested and coughy - yay. Better than being feverish.

Actually did something productive today and yesterday. Yesterday I went to the grocery store and attempted to call the bank (honestly Wells Fargo, really though). Today me and Liz went downstairs for lunch (salami pizza - couldn't really taste it but the texture was good), did some Spring Break planning and I did my homework. HAH.

We found some hostels/hotels that look pretty good for Barcelona and Paris and I have kind of an itinerary for us in Paris. So I'm doing good. And really, if they end up not liking what I've showed them, well then foo foo for them because I'm going back and they're not. DOUBLE HAH.

So yeah. That's about it. Oral presentation in Italian tomorrow - oh goody. No other perfect time. Maybe I'll break out into a coughing fit and have to be excused and she'll give me a 100 because she feels sorry for me - that happens right? I'll keep you updated.


P.S. Also I've been trying to make soup all weekend and I still have put it off again. So so lazy, so so sick. Maybe tomorrow I'll have something new and delicious to eat. But tomorrow is cooking class...maybe Tuesday. Maybe never. Haha just kidding I'll probably make it tomorrow. Toodles!

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