Friday, February 22, 2013

I Knew My Luck Would Run Out Eventually

Right. Very very sorry I haven't updated in a couple of days. But there hasn't been much going on.

Class has gone as normal. Had quizzes in a couple classes this week - I think they all went okay. Went to the Uffizi yesterday for one of my classes - surprisingly I wasn't bored until our teacher started talking (it was the teacher I don't like). Business as usual.

This weekend all the roommates are gone to Interlaken except for Liz. I'm happy I didn't go for several reasons - money, the fact that it's covered in snow, etc. but now I have one more reason to add to the list, the reason for the title of this blog post.

I'm sick. Started yesterday afternoon - didn't feel right. As the night went on, I could tell my fever was becoming worse and worse. Took some Cold Quell, Vitamin C and some Tylenol. Didn't make a lick of difference (yet). Woke up this morning around 10 still with a huge fever. Laid in bed for awhile, fell back asleep, woke up around 2 feeling a lot better but then I tried walking around. It's like I'm drunk, except not. So I've just been laying in the bed all day. This is the first time I've done something other than go to the bathroom and go get water. Ughhhhh. I knew I'd get sick eventually, and I suppose I'm grateful that it's on a weekend where I have nothing to do but still. I hate being sick.

Yeah so that's about it. I'm going to go lie back down now. Hopefully I'll feel better tomorrow.


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