Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Really Though, My Head Might Explode

I promise I am trying to write everyday, I have just been incredibly stressed this week. Like I'm surprised my head hasn't just fallen off or I haven't collapsed to the floor, weeping, "I'm done, I'm done," over and over again. But time waits for no man, so here we go.

Class yesterday was uneventful. My opinion of my teachers hasn't changed from what I wrote last time. I did bring the wrong course pack to one of my classes, which was lovely to discover 20 minutes into class. After class, I had lunch, shitted around and planned some stuff with the roommates.

So, hopefully, my outgoing and incoming flights for Spring Break are booked!! Outbound to Barcelona, Inbound from Dublin. We might be cutting London off the list, just because we want to spend a lot of time in Ireland. Which is fine with me, as I'll be back to London anyways. But we're still in the midst of planning it all and probably will continue to be for awhile.

Then, we began the process of attempting to book the Bus2Alps Amalfi Coast trip...words cannot express my frustration with them and their website. First of all, the sale was advertised as 50% off everything - lies. It was some discount off one date a trip ran. Then, the website kept crashing so we couldn't check the prices of anything. We ended up not booking it but hopefully we can still either make our own trip or just pay the full price later.

We also went out for Mardi Gras! We had some people over to the apartment and we really just went out to a bar for a couple of drinks and some good old fashioned drunk yelling the lyrics to American songs. It was a good time, but I regretted it this morning when I woke up super tired.

Speaking of this morning, class today was also fine. Nothing too special. Except in Italian class we had to act out a poem about verbs. I've done stupider things though so it wasn't that bad. After class today, I napped, did homework and now we've been talking about more planning and stuff.

Everyone is starting to panic about money, me included. I know that I'm not supposed to be worrying about it but I am. I have all the program to get through and my three weeks afterwards. And I just have to realize that I can't do everything I want and some things will have to wait for another time. But I really don't want to accept that, as hard as it is. For example, I might forego Greece in order to do the Amalfi Coast. But I don't know, I also want to see the islands of Greece. Ughhhhhh. Me no likey. Why can I not have unlimited money and unlimited time here??

I guess the questions I have to ask myself are where to do I really want to go, where do I think I won't go back versus where do I think I will get back to someday. See, I'm betting I get back here to go to Greece and Croatia. Those are close together and sort of out of the way. I also think I'll be back somewhere close enough to hit the "central European" cities like Brussels, Berlin, Luxembourg, etc.

Honestly, the second you think you have something all planned out, you start second guessing yourself, your friends change their plans and your plans are thrown straight up into the air again. Oh and Wells Fargo, if this call tomorrow is any version of "complicated," I will hurl the almost broken chair in my apartment so far it smashes your branch in Charlotte. Or possibly hurl myself so far that I smash into your branch in Charlotte. Still undecided.

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