Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Va Bene

Today was a pretty lazy day. I didn't have a cultural activity in the morning (because I'll have two on Thursday) so I slept in until 12. Which was lovely. Then I got up and immediately me and one of my roommates went and met two of the homestay girls for lunch at a cafe in the suburbs. Had tortellini - it was really good. Then we walked around for a bit, including seeing another church I hadn't seen yet.

Then it was time to go to Italian class - but first, figuring out how to photocopy documents. Surprisingly, really easy. Just take them to a printing center and let them do it for you - perfecto! Class was fine - Italian really is coming back to me. I can read pretty well and listening is getting a lot better. Speaking will come with time.

For dinner, since I didn't make it to the mercato this morning, I went out and got a panino at this little stand right down the road. It was really good - salame, formaggio and other stuff. It was the first food I've ordered in Italy by myself and hey, it went great!! The more Italian I speak, the better it will go. That's what I keep telling myself.

Tomorrow is a movie, more paperwork and more class. Let's hope it's a good movie. And here are some pictures from my walking tour yesterday.

According to legend, this a profile of a man who was talking too much in line to Michelangelo.

Part of the gate to the city.

A boar that you're supposed to rub and drop money in for luck (see how it's nose is show shiny?).

A domani!


  1. I really hope you'll keep up the blog. I read it every day and it is a highlight for me! Love hearing about all you're doing!!

    1. I will try to keep it as up to date as possible!! It's nice to know at least someone is reading this!
