Wednesday, January 23, 2013


This morning, I was rudely awakened to go watch a film at 9 in the morning. Meh. It wasn't the greatest movie I've ever seen, but not the worst either. After the movie, me and the roommates got lunch at the bar beneath our apartment. I had tortellini alla panna e prosciutto (tortellini with cream and ham). Wow. It's really good. I've had it at another restaurant as well so I think it's a thing. If so, I might make it my mission to try it at as many places as much good pasta, so little time.

After lunch, we went to turn in our documents for our Permesso di Soggiorno (Permit of Stay), a pointless piece of paper that lets the Italian government know we're here. Utterly worthless. Except for the low low cost of 169 euros. Ah well, can't fight the government right? After that, we walked around the shops a bit and stopped in the H&M (funnily called the Ache e Emme). Probably will be back there multiple times so I didn't buy anything today but don't worry. I figured out that I can fill up a suitcase with souvenirs if I need to and still only check two bags. So, souvenirs for everyone (including me, duh).

After shopping, we came back to the apartment and hung around, reading and catching up on things, until time for class. After class, we grabbed dinner at a restaurant just down the road, which was pretty good. Liz (my actual roommate), got eggplant stuffed with rice and peppers, which was really good, so we'll probably be back to get that. I got an insalata (salad) con speck e formaggio (smoked proscuitto and cheese), which was fine. Nothing too special. Then we spent the evening talking and hanging out. Not too bad of a day overall. Tomorrow will definitely be a full day - culture lecture, cooking (which I'm super excited about) and Italian class. Going to sleep soon - need to be well rested so I don't set myself aflame trying to sautee chicken.

Curious about the title? Well today, in Italian class, we had to listen to a song and fill in the missing words. The song was all about comparing how beautiful this girl was to other beautiful things. So he would say she is beautiful like a clear morning or a ray of light upon his pillow, stuff like that. So, after having to sing it aloud (in a class of 2...), we had to write a verse, but instead of beautiful things, it was ugly things. Needless to say, our verse was pretty silly. I think it went like this:

Brutto come un porcellino
Come un ragazzo calvo
Brutto come Voldemort
Brutto come una donna que manga il cane
Come un tippesta qui massacra il bambino
Brutto come La Peste Bubbbonica e la morte de milione con pistole

I'm not sure if that's the right Italian but it translates (roughly) to this:

Ugly like a little pig
Like a bald man
Ugly like Voldemort
Ugly like a woman who eats dogs
Like a gangster who murders children
Ugly like the Bubonic Plague and the death of millions with boils

Yeah, we went a little darkside. But we had a lot of fun with it, even when we had to sing again. I think our teacher was more impressed with us than anything. Not too often a student references the Bubonic Plague, I'm guessing. Anyway, that's it for now.


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