Sunday, January 6, 2013

Here We Go Again

Once again, this blog is moving in another direction. Obviously, I'm back from Australia. I had an incredible time and if anyone who reads this hasn't heard me monologue about Oz yet, please, feel free to ask. Because I would love to talk about it.

But now, I am about to embark on another one of life's journeys. I'm studying abroad. In Florence, Italy.

I could wax and wane for pages about my feelings, nervousness, excitedness, etc., but that wouldn't make a great entry. The nice thing is, I've done this before. Not to the extent of leaving for more than 5 months, but still. I have done it before. So I can handle this. Right?

Regardless, I'm off in 9 days....asdflaksjfs. I'll try to keep this updated as much as possible. Until next time.
Ciao! (See, I'm already practicing my Italiano).

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