Saturday, January 19, 2013

Am I in Canada?

I promise the title will make sense eventually, keep reading you complainers.

Okay so. Today we slept in. I got up at 10:45 and read for a bit in the living room with the windows open (you have to ventilate apartments here in Florence) which was nice. Cold but nice. Then I woke the roommates up because we were going to the Mercato Centrale. The market was really cool. So many different vendors everywhere. We picked up some fresh pasta, sauce, veggies, cheese, olive oil and bread for dinner tonight. Then we stopped at a traditional supermarket for other random stuff: paper towels, toilet paper, etc. And of course I picked up some Nutella because really, how can you be sad when you have Nutella??

Then we came back to apartment and we grabbed lunch at the cafe right outside our apartment. It was really good and cheap, and the people were super nice and spoke English so I have a feeling we'll be back there a lot. After lazing around for a bit, we finally went and got gelato and oh man. I am in trouble here. It is incredible. And there's a really good gelato place like two blocks away. And the English speaking bookstore is like right next to the gelato place. Heaven on a block, I swear.

Then we came back, lazed some more, and finally made dinner. We had tortellini with pesto sauce, gnocchi with tomato sauce, sauteed veggies, bread and some chianti. Man, it was good. And very impressive. Then, another student, who's doing a homestay, came over and ended up hanging out for several hours. He seems really cool and really wants to hang out and travel, so all to the good. And now, it's time for bed.

So I ran across something interesting on the Internet today. It had to do with the Hobbit but I think it applies nicely here. Here's what it said:

a Quest is a trip to accomplish a task.

an Adventure is a trip without a destination.

a Journey is when the trip is more important than the destination.

I'm definitely not on a quest. But I think I'm on an adventure and a journey. This experience is not about studying (but yes, that's a part of it). It's about living and changing and reflecting and being somewhere else. And traveling, of course. I just really like this idea.

Okay, finally the bit about the title, I know you're all dying to know what I mean. So you know the word "Grazie?" In America we pronounce it: grat-zee. But, it is actually pronounced: grat-zee-eh. So, get it? Eh, like in Canada? Maybe only I think that's funny but at least you learned something.

And I promise, pictures are going to up...eventually. I'm being lazy.

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