Monday, January 21, 2013

Did I Learn This?

Okay, I would have added pics to this post but I'm wayyyyy too tired for that. So yeah.

This morning, we had a walking tour of the Centro Storico (the city center) where we got to hear some of the more interesting history surrounding the famous monuments. It was really cool! And then I found out that the professor leading the tour is going to be my pre-session Italian teacher!! He's so funny and he doesn't seem to mind that my Italian is basically niente. My class is just me and one other girl, so I have a feeling I'll either sink or swim with this whole Italian thing. Let's hope it's swim.

Other than the walking tour, I walked around some shops with the roommates, hung around the apartment, went to class and made chicken for dinner. Nothing special, just sauteed some chicken with olive oil and spices. Probably going to go back to the Mercato Centrale tomorrow to pick up some more chicken and fresh pasta. Can't go wrong there right??


P.S. Sorry this is so short - I'm so sleepy. I've gotten in the habit of staying up late here which was fine when I was sleeping in until 11 but not so much when I'm getting up at 8. Still adjusting to the time change I suppose.

P.P.S. Also my Italian is better than I thought it would be. So that's good. It's just going to be a lot of work. Okay, now I'm actually going to go. A domani!!

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