Monday, January 28, 2013

I Never Said I Was An Artist

Still trying to recover from this weekend but luckily, today was a pretty easy day.

This morning's cultural activity was fresco-making. Which would have been fun except that I have no talent when it comes to painting. Drawing I can kind of do but painting, no. But that was nice and relaxing. I might have to start drawing again, who knows. I was not too bad at one point.

After class, me and the roomies headed to the mercato to stock up on supplies. I got some pasta, chicken, tomato sauce, fruit and veggies. So tonight I had chicken tomato sauce pasta - which was also really good, duh. It's hard to mess things up when you're ingredients are fresh and delicious. Really looking forward to my cooking class.

Then it was time for Italian class. It was fine, as always. I really like my teacher - it would be awesome if he was my teacher for the semester but I won't find that out until later this week. And then we came back to the apartment and hung out for the night - really low key, definitely needed.

Tomorrow is both of my roommates' birthday so we're going to have to do something special. I think dinner at a nice restaurant and lots of wine sounds good, right?


P.S. And I'm working on uploading pictures to Shutterfly, I just have so many of them it's going to take me awhile. And they're all in one album because I'm too lazy to sort them all out. So if you want to know where a specific one was taken, let me know and I can tell you.


  1. Very excited to see the pictures! Every time I read your blog, I end up hungry!! HaHa

    1. I end up hungry too, don't worry. It's a problem.
