Monday, March 18, 2013

The Amount of Times I've Contemplated Yelling at Random People is Probably a Little Excessive

Okay sorry for the absence but you know.  Sleep and St Paddy's and stuff.

Saturday, we didn't get moving until 2ish and we were lazy even then (okay well really just me).  For lunch, we decided to try Mama's Bakery because we heard they had bagels.  And yes, they had bagels.  I think it might be my new favorite place except that it's far away.  Boo.  For lunch, I had a bacon, eggs and aioli sandwich on a toasted plain bagel.  And a brownie.  It was delicious.

Delicious bagel.

After lunch, we finally went inside the Palazzo Pitti, which we had discovered on our first weekend here but hadn't been yet.  Well really, the thing is so huge, we just walked around the Boboli Gardens and even that took a couple of hours.  It was beautiful and there were places to just sit and hang out in the grass, obviously something I'm missing.  And we get in free because of our Museum Card so we're talking about going back once the weather is nice and bringing wine or whatever and just hanging out.

Yes, it was almost all uphill like that.

 Ooh a flower and some nice photography skills.

 Center looking at palace.

 Hill for sits.

Gotta practice taking my own picture.  Thoughts?

After that, we came back to the apartment where we quickly decided that none of us wanted to cook so we decided to try apertivo or apericena.  Essentially, bars have a deal where you pay the price of one drink and you get food for free, like finger foods (former) or like a whole buffet (latter).  We went to a place called Kitsch and I probably should have taken pics but I was super hungry so suffice it to say the food was delicious.  Several different kinds of pasta, meatballs, bread, fruit salad, etc. plus a Long Island Iced Tea all for 9 euro.  Pretty good.  

After dinner, we came back to the apartment and decided to go out.  So we got some alcohol, sat around playing some drinking games for a long time and finally went out to a bar where we just kind of hung out and danced for a bit.  Which was lovely.

Yesterday, I really didn't do anything.  Which was also lovely.  Stayed in for lunch and dinner and sort of got stuff done, like homework and such.  Did some legit planning for Spring Break - I now know which side of a turnstile metro tickets in Barcelona go (left).  And then we went on a bar crawl for St Paddy's Day, which was also good.  We went to three bars total, met up with some other UNC students, made some new friends, all typical bar stuff.  No Irish singing though.  I'll be doing plenty of that in Ireland, even if I'm singing by myself.

Today was blergh.  Class was fine enough except that my Holocaust teacher made me seriously consider stabbing her with my umbrella.  It takes her so long to say stuff, it's incredible.  Like really truly mind-boggling.  Italian was fine though.  Then I tried walking home.  And I got cut off by so many slow walkers and rude people.  And then kids swarmed around my path so that I had to turn around and walk around them.  Like come on, have some manners.  Move.  And then the Meta had literally nothing I wanted (including toilet paper - what the hell) so yeah.  I had a bit of a trying day.

Then I had my cooking midterm.  NOT AMUSED.  She asked the most random questions she could possibly ask and then made us write 7 lines for each question.  My hand still hurts.  Ugh.  But whatever, even if I fail, it doesn't matter because I'm not getting credit.  So ha ha di ha ha UNC.

After class, just been hanging out at the apartment reading, eating dinner and planning.  And writing this.  And now I believe I'm off to bed.  Woo.


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