Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Oh Boy

That was essentially the phrase of today.

This morning, I got to sleep in a bit as we had a museum visit for my art class. We walked in the church at 10 and walked out at 10:15. Waste of time. The more interesting thing that happened this morning was our landlord showed up at 9 am asking about the broken water. After answering the door and attempting to find out what he wanted, I woke all the roommates only to confirm that the water was not broken. So he left fairly quickly. We did tell him about the second broken cabinet though and it should be fixed tomorrow.

Then I had my literature class - again, it was interesting. We're starting the Divine Comedy next week (finally) so I'm pretty excited. Except we have a quiz on Thursday - not excited.

After class, I called Wells Fargo. Again. Apparently they wanted to verify that the charges from Ryanair (the third time I've had charges from this company) were indeed me. I told them they were. I really don't think they get that I'm in Italy right now. Ugh. Hopefully it's done but somehow I'm guessing not.

Then I went to the grocery store to get some supplies. I was tired of having meat sandwiches for lunch and pasta for dinner so I got stuff for tuna salad and hamburgers with sauteed onions. And surprisingly enough, the tuna salad is pretty good and so were the hamburgers. I got some BBQ sauce for the hamburgers and it wasn't that bad either. I think next on my cooking list is tacos, or at least ground beef with taco spices and maybe tortilla chips if I can find them.

Tuna sandwich for lunch

Hamburger with BBQ sauce and sauteed onions with sugar and balsamic vinegar for dinner

I mostly just messed around this afternoon, adding some more photos to Shutterfly and hanging around. Oh except for when another random man came to our apartment about the water. After again confirming that the water wasn't broken and him testing the water himself, he left with no more than a, "Ciao grazie," on his way out. I don't know who is so upset about the water but obviously someone is having problems.

After dinner, we did some more planning for Spring Break including booking our hostels and tour of Ireland. So really, other than attractions, we're all set. Yikes!! And now I'm going to do some more planning and research and go to bed. Sounds like heaven.


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