Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Marzo Pazzo

Apparently, in Florence at least, they call March "Marzo Pazzo," which means Crazy March because of weather.  And I would have to agree.  Between the rain and the cold it's just been ick.  I'm excited for Spring Break because it means I'll get out of this weather and hopefully out of the rain for a bit.

Class today was fine.  In Holocaust we tried to read a text together but the teacher kept interrupting us.  I swear, she takes five minutes to say one sentence.  I was like, look lady, this is actually interesting can you just let us read this without interrupting?

Italian was also fine.  Sometimes I feel kind of like a know-it-all in that class, but I can't help it.  I know the answer and no one else is saying it.  So I feel like I have to intervene.  Whatever, I'm literally never going to see these kids again so who cares what they think.

Let's see, ooh for dinner we had tacos again (we had them last night too) because they were so good and we had to use up the tortillas.  So I think tacos may become a more common food in this house - which I'm totally fine with.  We found taco seasoning at the international market - a godsend really.  Now all we need is cheddar cheese and we could really be in business.  But literally, Italy doesn't have cheddar cheese.  But I will continue the search, don't you worry.

We're also talking about making nachos at some point.  So that will be nice.

And then tonight has mostly been just messing around and hanging out.  We did go out for gelato (dark chocolate, caramel and pear - heavenly) but that's about it.  I think all of us are ready for midterms to be over and Spring Break to begin.  I know I am.  I just have to plan it all.  Haha.  Yay.

Oh and they elected a new pope - Pope Francis I formerly Jorge Bodagiglio (something like that) from Argentina.  Definitely cool to be in the country while the Pope is being elected but would have been incredible to be in St Peter's Square.  Another time, another place I suppose.

Also someone's car alarm keeps going off.  If they don't stop that, they will soon see a very angry and tired American yelling obsenities out the window.  Hmph.


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