Friday, March 8, 2013

Even the Weather Doesn't Want Me to Go to Class

It rained today. Basically all day. And it's been raining for the past couple of days. And it's supposed to rain all next week. Oh goody.

Today was a make-up day for having the Monday after Easter off. I didn't have Holocaust (making that up on another day) but I did have Italian, which was actually interesting. We did vocabulary around the market and then we went to the market and got to walk around some. It got me out of my usual marketplace routine, I guess. There's a restaurant in the Mercato Centrale called Nerbone (over 100 years old I think) and it makes supposedly amazing paninis but I've never been brave enough to try one. But this girl in my Italian class got one while we were there and it looked really good and she's terrible at Italian so I'm thinking it can't be that hard. Plus, I asked my teacher after class about how to order a panino because in the US, they ask you all these questions and stuff and I didn't know if they did that here (they don't FYI) which means it's actually pretty simple. And my Italian teacher raised a point that I hadn't really thought about yet.

She talked about how we can't just come to Italy and eat stuff like pizza, pasta, etc. because we can have that at home. She made the point that we have to try the Tuscan cuisine while we're here, because it's so authentic. And I like that idea, and I need to start applying it more. So, in conjunction with this revelation and learning how to order from Nerbone, I have decided to be adventurous and try one of their specialties, a Tuscan tradition: trippe. Which is cow stomach. Okay okay, don't panic. I'm not going to rush into it. First I want to get a roasted pork panino, then I want a roast beef panino, then I'll try trippe. And then possibly lampredetto (two of the cow's stomach), depending on how the trippe goes. I think it's a good decision but it still kind of icks me out.

After Italian, I had lunch with my cooking professor and one other guy. It was surprisingly not as bad as I thought it was going to be and the food was pretty good. I had bruschetta (which I like here but I'm sure will not like once I get back to the US), cold cuts and cheese, chicken pate, and rigatoni with sausage and black truffle, which was really good. It was all pretty good food actually, I might have to take the roommates there one night.

After lunch, I came back and just messed around the whole afternoon. It was rainy and gross outside, so yeah. For dinner, I finished my tuna and had an apple. And then I took a shower, I just finished packing and now I'm writing this.

Hopefully the weather is nice for us. Tomorrow is supposed to be mid-50s, cloudy with a 20% chance of rain and Sunday is supposed to be mid-60s, sunny with 0% chance of rain. So let's hope that holds out. I even packed shorts - I might wear shorts for the first time in like 3 months or something. Crazy. We're leaving the apartment at 5:10. We want to get there early to get good seats and it's far away. Oh boy.

Tomorrow is Montecarlo, Nice and French dinner (yesssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss) and Sunday is Cannes, St Paul de Vence and Eze. French Riveria - leggo.


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