Friday, March 15, 2013

If There's No Singing In Ireland, I'm Going to Be Severely Disappointed

I'm getting really excited for Spring Break.  I really want to sing some Irish drinking songs - I've been severely missing my Irish Pub Rock radio station on Pandora lately.  I'm ready to do some singing, in English this time.

Class was fine yesterday, nothing spectacular.  Met at the Uffizi for one class - four flights of stairs first thing in the morning.  Not my idea of fun.  I really don't know what the midterm is going to be like for that class.  Not looking forward to finding out.  Other class - we started talking about the Divine Comedy in general, but I've started reading the Inferno again.  It really is incredible how complex a universe Dante managed to create.

Let's see, then I had lunch and napped.  Then for dinner, we went to Gusta Pizza, where I got the spicy salami pizza again and it was delicious.  Definitely still my favorite pizza in Florence.  After dinner, and after our food comas had settled down, we ended up going out to a Spanish bar with a couple other UNC students.  And we went to the secret bakery - Nutella croissant.  Amazing.

Today, woke up late and went to lunch with Liz and Jared (her boyfriend).  It was kind of awkward - he's pretty quiet and it's hard to include him in the conversation when the rest of us (it was me, Jessica and Erika at lunch) have other things to talk about.  But it was still fine.  Then I stopped at the Mercato to get some food for this weekend.  Then I met up with Alex (not our roommate, another UNC girl who we've become friends with) and we just hung out at the Cascine (the park in Florence) for several hours talking.  It started off as nice and sunny but then it got cloudy again.  Boo.  But it was still nice to sit outside for several hours just talking, nothing to do.  It'll definitely be nice once the weather gets better.

After that, I took a quick nap, had dinner (pasta and tomato sauce - too lazy to try anything fancier), read, took a shower, and now I'm sitting here.  We were talking about going out tonight but we'll see.  Hopefully, I can use the rest of this weekend to plan and study.  Blegh.


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