Wednesday, March 6, 2013

It's Official, I'm Moving into the Conad

Class today was fine. Nothing super special or interesting. We have a make-up day on Friday for the Monday after Easter when we don't have class. I don't have my Holocaust class because we're having another class to make that up but I do have my Italian class and cooking class. For cooking, we're going to a restaurant. I would be more excited except that because of scheduling conflicts, 11 out of the 13 students in my class won't be there. So it will be me, one other guy and the teacher. Oh goody. I guess I've had more awkward meals but this one might rank pretty high up there.

After class, I went to the Conad, which is a chain of grocery stores and there's one right by one of my classroom buildings. And there I found my saving grace: tortilla chips and salsa. I almost dropped to my knees in reverence. I think I love the Conad now. They also have a lot more stuff than the Meta. The Meta is still super convenient and all that but I think if I need something specific, I'm going to the Conad. And it's only a 15 min walk from the apartment if I really need something.

So for lunch, I had a tuna salad sandwich, chips and salsa and an apple. It was a good lunch.

For the rest of the day, I've mostly been screwing around. Napped some, watched some videos, etc etc. I have something for the Permit of Stay tomorrow - oh goody. Hopefully, this is the last step. Hopefully. And I haven't heard anything from Wells Fargo so hopefully they're all settled. Pfft knowing them, not a chance.

Tomorrow, I have class - including a museum visit and a quiz. Yippee. And then my Questura thing. And then sleep. Friday is make-up class and Saturday and Sunday I'll be exploring the French Riviera, including Montecarlo, Nice, Cannes, St Paul de Vence and Eze (I think that's right). Should be a good if not busy weekend. Getting some French food though...yum. Hopefully that includes French fries. My love and desire for potato salad has not abated. I miss how in America, you could get lots of different kinds of food pretty easy. Supposedly there's an Indian restaurant somewhere that's pretty good so I might try to find that.

I think that's it. I'm working on uploading more photos to Shutterfly. I've got all the photos from Rome up there and since our internet is being terrible tonight, I'm going to leave it for the night.


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