Monday, June 18, 2012

6/17: Weekend in Sydney

Okay so weekend in Sydney. Let's take it day by day.

Thursday: packed in basically 30 minutes (probably my fastest so far) and managed not to forget anything. Score one. Got to the airport no problems, one tiny glitch at security when I forgot I brought shaving cream along (no aerosols without lids allowed) but as soon as they saw I had a lid, it was fine. So nice not to have to deal with TSA. Made it to Park Lodge (where the other interns are staying) without too much of a hassle. Got in probably around 11 or 11:30 so I basically caught up with people for 30 minutes then crashed. On someone's floor by the way. And since I like to sleep on my side, I now have bruises on my side because the floor was so hard. But whatevs, it was worth it in the end.

Friday: Got up pretty early because three of us were doing the bridge climb at 11. Managed to get to the place pretty quickly and got some breakfast there before we went on our climb of the Sydney Harbour Bridge. It was awesome! So not scary at all. One tough spot when you had to climb 4 ladders in row but other than that, no problems. The view was incredible - the weather co-operated with us and was nice and sunny out. Have some pics up of me at the top - they're not the best pictures ever, but they prove I made it. After the climb, we grabbed lunch by the wharf and met up with an intern from Tasmania who came up for the weekend as well. Then, we walked all the way to Darling Harbour to see the Sydney Aquarium. The aquarium was pretty cool - saw another platypus. I love them now. I want one. It wasn't anything super exotic but it was still nice to see. Then, since Darling Harbour is right next to Chinatown, we went and had dinner there. It was pretty good, but I think all of us are sick of Asian food, at least for a bit. Then, we decided to go out. Went to a neighborhood called King's Cross. Bit dodgy, but fun. Didn't stay out for too long, but had a good time nonetheless.

Saturday: Got up and even though it was raining, we decided to head out to Bondi Beach. We grabbed lunch at a mall near one of the bus stations we stopped at (had some really good pizza) and then decided to carry on. Once we got there, we just accepted that we were wet and were excited about it! Put my feet in the water, etc. Found some pieces of sea glass that hopefully I can also get back home. Went on a bit of a walk around Bondi, saw some incredible views and all kinds of stuff. Met another intern for dinner at a Mexican restaurant - so good. I miss Mexican food man. Had frozen sangria - also really good. Decided to go out again Saturday night. Started out on Oxford Street, went into some fun gay bars, and ended up in Darling Harbour at a bar called Cargo Bar. Fun, but didn't stay for too long because we had another big day and we were super tired from walking in the rain all around Bondi.

Sunday: Got up early again (anyone else impressed yet?) and went on a tour of the opera house. So cool to see it up close and personal. Then, we took a ferry over to Manly Beach and met up with one of our intern leaders, Ross, who lives there. Ross took us to a great fish and chips place for lunch, then we hiked all around Manly. Saw some truly stunning views of the beach and cliffs, got some great photos, and saw the place where Nicole Kidman got married and the Great Gatsby was filmed. Still really full from lunch, we grabbed a drink with Ross at a bar overlooking the beach and got a chocolate-banana pizza from a place on the wharf back to Sydney. It was incredible. It had chocolate sauce, bananas, marshmallows, and chocolate rice krispies. So good. Then, we headed back to Sydney and back to the airport to come home to Brizzie. Flight was awesome - basically no one on the plane and got food and everything. I love Qantas, so much. Jetstar (the airline we flew down on), eh. You get what you pay for.

Overall, Sydney was alright. Saw some really great stuff but a lot of it is just like a big city, like New York. Didn't seem super original. So happy to be back home in Brizzie and that this is my home. I love Brisbane so much now. Maybe I just won't leave (just kidding Mom).

1 comment:

  1. I am very impressed that you are getting up early!
    Also glad to know that you are just kidding about staying in Brisbane. :)
