Sunday, June 3, 2012

5/28: Charlotte to Dallas

So this is something I wrote on the plane from Charlotte to Dallas. It's going to take me a while to get caught up but I'm going to try.

I still can't believe I'm actually doing this. I must be certifiably insane. I should be checked into a facility. I'm on a plane. TO AUSTRALIA (well to Dallas but en route you know). I must be insane. I know, I know, YOLO or whatever but really. My brain is still in denial. I still can't believe that I'm going to wake up (?) and be in another HEMISPHERE. I almost started crying at the airport. I love my family, even with all their problems. I really miss them. But I know this is going to be incredible. And that's what scares me. What if it's not awesome? You know what, I need to chillax. It's never the experiences you have that determine how good something is, it's your attitude. If I have a kickass attitude, this will be good. Also, there's those creepy formal people sitting next to me, while I'm in my Sophies and leggings. I wasn't aware sitting 7 rows away from the bathroom made you royalty but whatever. I must be insane. That's what I keep saying to myself. I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO MY WHOLE BRAIN IS CRYING. Lol. You know what the soundtrack is to my life right now? Marry You. Hey baby, we're looking for something dumb to do. Geez the South is flat. And hardly any trees. It looks like Goyte in his video. Oh and the chick in front of me. No that's cool, you put your seat all the way back while I'm trying to use the tray table. It's the same girl who packed the box at check-in. Sometimes the land has squiggles. I didn't know people actually did that. Oh wow a town. It's like the size of one of the fields. Not tired yet but I'm sure that's coming. I am insane. Actually, someone once defined isanity as doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results. That's definitely not this. Who have I become? Hey baby, I think I wanna marry you. This is insane. Is it possible to be thrilled and terrified at the same time? Well that's me. I wonder seriously if Aussies have heard Call Me Maybe...what a great legacy to leave behind. Introducing them to Carly Rae. They would hate me. Lol. New goal: introduce at least one person to Call Me Maybe. Speaking of goals. I'd like to go skydiving. And bungee jumping. But I'm terrified. I guess that's the point. Really though who have I turned into. An adrenaline junkie? What happened to that little girl who refused to jump off the diving board and had to be thrown off? I can see the shadows the clouds are making on the ground, that's crazy. It doesn't seem real when you're up this high. Are there any monuments in Texas? Something you could see from the air. Nothing I've seen so far. Someday I'm going to write a book and it's going to be full of things like this. Memoirs/diary entries. And it's going to be called I Told You I Was Crazy. By Sarah Adams. I probably have some crazy anecdotes. Or maybe I should make it family centered and call it I Told You They Were Crazy. Or We're All Crazy: The Adams Family. Actually, strike that, reverse it (10 pts for a CATCF reference). I want to see a rainstorm from up here. Apparent it's crazy. I really hope I get to meet Sinatra in heaven. And listen to him sing. Also next million dollar idea: Apple controls that go in your mouth. Adjust volume, play/pause, next/last all by touching your tongue different #s of times. They keep doing that ding-dong noise. I actually think it's the flight attendants communicating. I wonder what like 20 ding-dongs mean. Probably either "We're going down" or "I fucking hate these passengers." Ha. I wonder how fast people can write. What would the world record for that be? There's probably some creepy person who can use like 10 pencils at once and write super fast. This sounds like the ramblings of a drunk or junkie (I almost wrote juggie). Woah big lake. No boats though. What if I died right now and my last thought was "That lake has no boats." More to come later, don't worry I'll still be crazy.

1 comment:

  1. Loved seeing the pictures!! The kangaroos and koalas are beyond cute!!
    Do you want me to share the photo link with Vicky and Morgan?
