Monday, June 18, 2012

6/14: Still Catching Up

Man, it seems like every time I get this thing close to being updated, I forget for a few days and I get behind again. Okay, here goes.

Sunday we went out to a winery pretty close to Brisbane. We took the bus as far as it would go, then walked about 2 miles to get there, but it was worth it. We saw wild kangaroos hopping through the vineyard, had an awesome lunch, had a great tour where I learned a ton about wine and wine making, and tasted some really nice wine. If I can manage to sneak it home, I'm bringing some back. Sunday night we went out drinking again (Monday was a holiday, chill out) and had a great time in West End, a new part of town for us. Monday we met up with Kim, another intern who lives in the burbs really far away. She was alright but a couple years older than us so it was a little awkward. But she seems nice. We mostly just spent Monday walking around Brisbane and had pizza for dinner. Work was then pretty average the rest of the week except that Tuesday afternoon, I got to go with Adam to do a shoot for Moreton Island Adventures at their warehouse in the Port of Brisbane. Even though the warehouse wasn't the prettiest place ever, it was still cool to be behind the scenes of a shoot and help out (I got to hold the mike!). Work was then just work and pretty soon Thursday afternoon came and it was time to pack to go to Sydney for the weekend!

I promise I'm trying to catch up! I'm going as fast as my little fingers can type! Cheers, mate.

1 comment:

  1. Wild kangaroos sounds so cool! Impressed that you guys walked 2 miles to get to the winery but sounds like it was definitely worth it.
