Thursday, December 1, 2011

153: Survey Story

Most Cityville residents favor rollout garbage collection, the “Pulse People Poll” reported Thursday.

“We have been considering rollout collection for years,” Cityville Mayor Anne Taylor said.

According to the “Pulse People Poll:”
            - 62 percent of people interviewed favored rollout collection
                  - 24 percent disapproved
                  - 13.5 percent had no opinion

Taylor estimated rollout collection would save the city $500,000 a year in workers’ time.

According to Taylor, sanitation workers are currently collecting trash twice a week.  They are also going behind people’s houses and into their yards to collect garbage.

Under the new plan of rollout collection, Taylor said the sanitation workers would collect garbage cans only once a week from the street in front of people’s houses.

New cans would be distributed to residents that are big enough to hold one week’s trash, Taylor said.

Even though a majority of residents favor rollout collection, 24 percent do not approve. 

According to the “Pulse People Poll,” most who disapproved of rollout collection were 45 years of age or older.

In terms of age, 47 percent of the respondents in the poll were 25 to 44 years old, while 43 percent were 45 years of age or older.

Cityville resident Marie Goush, 78, is a resident who disapproves of rollout collection.

“Rollout collection is a terrible idea,” she said.  “I can hardly walk, and it’s too much to get my garbage can out to the street.”

“What’s happening to this town when these nice amenities are just disappearing?” Goush said.

According to Taylor, waivers would be given to individuals who are not physically able to roll the cans to the street.

Taylor cited another town as an example of successful rollout collection.

“Cressett has used rollout garbage cans for five years, and there seems to be no complaint,” she said.

Whether Cityville will implement a rollout garbage collection program is still unclear. 

The poll was conducted by students at the Polling Institute at City University.  Student interviewers called 452 Cityville residents whose phone numbers were randomly selected by a computer. 

Interviewing was conducted on Monday and Tuesday of last week. 

76.7 percent of respondents had a college degree.  50 percent were working full time.  52 percent were women.  40 percent had lived in Cityville more than 10 years.  9 percent were minorities.

The margin of error is plus or minus 5 percent.

Monday, November 14, 2011

3 Random Facts

Sorry I haven't really blogged in a while.  School just got really busy, I guess.

But here are 3 random facts, just for fun!

1) According to suicide statistics, Monday is the favored day for self-destruction. 

I think we can all relate to that one.  Monday's are typically my least favorite day of the week.

2) American car horns beep in the tone of F.

Is that for real?  Here's a link to a virtual keyboard.  Try it out!  I think mine actually works.

3) Clans of long ago that wanted to get rid of unwanted people without killing them used to burn their houses down -- hence the expression "to get fired."

Aren't you glad you don't live in times like that?

Just-something-to-amuse-you yours,
The Renaissance Girl.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

153: Student Prepares for Graduate School

If you’re an undergraduate thinking about going to graduate school, listen up.

Hillary Fox, 22, a senior geography major from Charlotte, has been preparing to apply to graduate school since spring 2011.

This months-long journey will finally end for her around Thanksgiving, as she will submit her applications to both the UNC Graduate School of Geography and the UNC Graduate School of Information and Library Science.

As she reflected on the process, Fox had some advice for undergraduates thinking about graduate school and how to make the application process smoother and less stressful.

Before getting to the application process, it’s important to decide if graduate school is right for you, she said.  

“And honestly, because of the economy,” she said, “all majors should think about graduate school.”

Fox pointed out that students who come out of graduate school with a Ph.D. or a master’s degree have a comparative advantage over students who have only a bachelor’s degree.  This could lead to higher pay and better job opportunities.

Fox said she’s going to graduate school specifically for the research opportunities.  

“As an undergraduate,” she said, “there were a lot of research and topics I wasn’t allowed to explore.”  

She hopes that graduate school will give her these opportunities.

When a student does decide to try to go to graduate school, it’s important to think about things early, Fox said.  

“Deadlines tend to sneak up on you,” she said. 

During a student’s junior year, Fox advised that students get involved with their chosen department.

Professor Nina Martin, Fox's mentor, agreed.  “It really makes a difference when we [professors] can put a face to a name."

Fox suggested finding a research project to help with, starting one of your own, becoming a peer advisor or joining the undergraduate committee for your department.

Fox also stressed the importance of “getting closer to people you already know” to set up a network and of maintaining relationships with professors who can help you with research in graduate school.

The summer before a student’s senior year, Fox advised that students study for and take the Graduate Record Examinations (GRE). 

Essentially an SAT for graduate school, Fox stressed the importance of studying and trying to do well on this test.  And getting it done before a student’s senior year ensures they have the maximum amount of time to devote to their studies, she said.

The next step is to start asking people for letters of recommendation, Fox said.  She suggested that students make a resume of anything that might help someone write them a letter, including achievements and academic records.

The most important thing students can do is be informed, Fox said.  

“I have a lot of friends,” she said, “who have no idea who to talk to or where to start.”

Being an undergraduate senior can be an awkward time, Fox said.  Students are “winding down everything for one part of their life and moving on to another.” 

For some people, this means relaxing and having the time of their life.  For others, it means stepping up their academics, Fox said.

Even though the path to graduation wasn’t the easiest, Fox said, she feels she has taken full advantage of what UNC has to offer. 

When asked what she wished she had done differently, Fox simply said, “Nothing.”

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

One in Seven Billion

Yesterday, October 31st, was the day the Earth would reach a population of 7 billion, according to the United Nations Population Division.

Supposedly, the Earth has managed to add another billion people to its population in about 12  years time.

Here's a fun website where you can go and find out what number person you are.  I'm #5,488,450,024. 

It's pretty insane to think that there were about 5.5 billion people before I existed.  It's also insane to think about that, again according to the United Nations, by 2025 we will have 8 billion people on the planet.

It makes you think about your place in the world.  Hope this gave you something to think about today!
Performing-numerology-on-my-population-number-to-see-if-there's-anything-cool yours,
The Renaissance Girl.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

A White Rapper That's Not Eminem??

Impossible you say?  Never fear, my talents for trolling the Internet and stalking celebrities have once again paid off.  Bo Burnham is a comedian I've actually know about for a long time.  I might have even gone around singing one of his songs for a whole week during high school.  Might.  

Anyway, the bottom line is that he's hilarious.  Here's one of his raps.

My favorite song is his is "New Math."  That's the one I went around singing for a week.

Hope this gave you something to smile about on what was maybe not a great day!
Love-this-guy yours,
The Renaissance Girl.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

153: Occupy Chapel Hill Going Strong

Occupy Chapel Hill warns the public that "if people don't wake up, we're all going to be in trouble."

Johanan Gaddy, 34, of Chapel Hill, N.C., gave this statement Tuesday morning, referencing the entire point of the Occupy movement.  Occupy Chapel Hill is a rally about "starting the conversation" and "educating ourselves so we can educate others," he said.

Occupy Chapel Hill officially began at 10:30 p.m. Saturday night and plans to go on indefinitely Gaddy said.  "We're going to stay until we see change," he said.  As of Tuesday morning, there were 10 people camping out in the Courthouse Square, the headquarters of Occupy Chapel Hill.

Every day at 6 p.m., Occupy Chapel Hill holds a General Assembly where the group works through its daily agenda.  This includes deciding how money is going to be spent, making major group decisions and letting voices he heard.  "Everyone's voice is equal," Peter Pendergrass, 22, another spokesperson for Occupy Chapel Hill, said Tuesday.

Gaddy stressed that although the members of the Occupy movements range from "anarchists to Tea Party members," the movement does have some rallying points.  One of the most important points, not being emphasized by the media, Pendergrass said, is the fact that Occupy Chapel Hill is an open movement.  It is not exclusive, elitist or extremist.  "We're not making incredible demands," he said, "We just don't want the system to be abused."

Pendergrass explained that "we are the 99 percent."  Approximately 43 percent of the country's wealth is controlled by 1 percent of the population.  That percentage of the population now has the ability to affect policy decisions and the government, through monetary donations.  This was one of many impetuses for the Occupy movements, including Occupy Chapel Hill.

The movement is starting to move out of cities and deal with issues on a state level.  On November 2, there will be a protest against Duke Energy's attempt to raise their rates by about 17 percent.  November 5, officially Bank Transfer Day, the Occupy movement will be urging the public to take their money out of corporate banks and put it into non-profit credit unions.  For more information, check out or  

Occupy Chapel Hill has the simple goal to develop the community and make people more aware about the real issues, Gaddy said, "And we're not going to quit if it fails."

Monday, October 17, 2011

Cool Advertising

I guess, since I'm an advertising major, I should share some advertising with you.  Here's some good ones I've seen recently.

 This is a billboard for McDonalds.  It takes the M and turns it into a sundial.  Then, at various times in the day, it points to a different McDonalds menu item that goes with that time of day.  It's cute, interesting, memorable and quick.  It's everything a good ad should be.

This is an ad for soundproof walls.  It's a simple, striking visual with no body copy, making it easy on the eyes.  A great ad done by Ogilvy and Mather, one of my favorite agencies.

I am in love with this campaign.  There are lots of different ads like this, with the animals represented through hands.  It's done for the World Wildlife Fund (WWF).  I think it's truly stunning.

It's nice to know there's good advertising out there, besides the thousands of used car commercials that make my eyes want to bleed.
Feeling-good-about-my-major yours,
The Renaissance Girl.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Halloween Movies that Aren't Scary?

I hate scary movies.

More importantly, I won't watch them.  Oh, I'll wikipedia the plotline so I get all the jokes and references, but I would rather write a 10-page paper than be forced to watch a good scary movie.

You would think Halloween would be my least favorite time of the year.  And you would be wrong.  (My least favorite time of the year is mid-January when it's cold for no reason.)

So why do I still like Halloween?  One, you get to dress up.  Who doesn't love that?  (I think I might be a Bop It this year.  Last year I was a Magic Eight ball.)  Two, when you're little, Halloween means lots of candy.  When you're an adult, it means getting really drunk (but only if you're over 21!).  Three, there are still some good Halloween movies that aren't really scary.  Here's 2 of my favorites.

1) Halloweentown
Okay, laugh all you want at my love of Disney Channel Original Movies (DCOMs), but I love this movie.  It's so cute and whimsical!  And it puts you in the Halloween spirit without scaring the crap out of you.

Basically, the movie is about a girl who, on Halloween, discovers that she's a witch and has magical powers.  Naturally, her mother has denied these powers and decided to live in the mortal realm.  However, her awesome grandmother is a full-fledged witch who actually doesn't even live in the mortal realm.  She's from a world called Halloweentown where it's always Halloween and there's monsters everywhere.

The movie is super cute and I love watching it.  Lucky for people like me, Disney made a series of movies about Halloweentown.  The second one, Kalibar's Revenge is pretty good too.  But after that the magic sort of fades away.  But the first two are definitely worth seeing and great Halloween movies.

2) Hocus Pocus
Oh, this movie.  CLASSIC.  It's just perfect.  Bette Midler singing, witches rising from the dead and 1990 clothes and slang?  What more could you ask for?

The movie is set in 1993 in Salem, Massachusetts.  300 years ago, three sisters (the ones on the cover) were hanged for being witches.  But before they died, they put a spell on themselves that, under the right conditions, they could return from the dead to continue their work.  

Of course, these conditions are met in 1993 by a teenager, his love interest and his little sister.  Then the movie just sort of continues from there.

Another classic Halloween movie, it just puts you in the Halloween mood without being so scary.  Another favorite of mine and definitely worth the watch.

I really do love Halloween and the whole season around it.  And these movies are perfect for getting you in that Halloween spirit.  But I still hate scary movies.
Counting-down-the-days yours,
The Renaissance Girl.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

153: Veteran Journalist Urges Aspiring Reporters to Truly Understand Conflict

Michael Schmidt, senior investigative journalist, explained the importance of forgetting personal bias and seeing the entire conflict in conflict reporting in a talk Thursday at the UNC School of Journalism and Mass Communication.

When asked what his advice was for journalists reporting on a conflict they might already have an opinion on, his answer was, "You probably have everything wrong."

Schmidt is a seasoned conflict journalist, having spent time reporting in South Africa, the Sudan and Lebanon.  Recently, he has started incorporating photography into his reporting.

Photographing conflict has brought a new idea about conflict into his reporting, he said, and he now better understands the importance of seeing the entire conflict.

He used his time spent reporting in the Solomon Islands as an example of how the media tends to make conflict about race and doesn't focus on what the conflict is actually about.  It's important, as a good journalist, he said, to try to really find out what the conflict is about.

He urges reporters to ask themselves, when there is nothing but shouting going on, "Who is benefiting from all the shouting?"

By talking to locals, Schmidt discovered that the conflict in the Solomon Islands was actually over the way land was dealt with.  It was not a conflict of race, as other media had reported.

Schmidt said that "conflict is much more than people fighting with one another" and that a reporter must try to capture all of it.  He advised journalists to break away from the herd and to go for the counter-intuitive.

Schmidt reminded journalists that "areas that we work in are all borderlands," whether physically or mentally.  

"Conflict isn't reserved for the other side of the Earth," he said.  A good journalist must be aware of all the conflicts around them and all the nuances within a single conflict. 

"The uncomfortable truth is that human beings allow monstrosities to happen," he said.  A good journalist should be able to see and report the conflict for what it truly is. 

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

De-stress Tips

I know that I've been really stressed out lately.  It seems we're at that time of year when midterms are being given, papers are due and people are more on edge.  Here are some quick de-stress tips that work for me.

1. Take a nap.  Research shows that either a 20 minute nap or a 90 minute nap will make you feel refreshed and ready to go.  Anything in-between could leave you feeling even more tired, since you would be waking up in the middle of a sleep cycle.

2. Listen to music.  Anything that calms you down or just takes your mind off whatever you have to do usually helps a lot.

3. Make a list of what you have to do.  Writing everything down can help you see what all you need to do and can help you prioritize.

4. Exercise!  A good sweat can help your body relax.  Focus all your mind power on the workout so you're not worrying about all that you have to do.  You'll feel loads better afterwards.

5. Pace yourself.  Trying to do everything in one night is a surefire way to not really get anything done.  Take your work one assignment at a time and reward yourself when you're done, like with 10 minutes of free time or something.

There are lots of stress tips and our lord Google can help you find them.  These are just some of my favorites.

As a blogger, I feel it is my duty to give you a video to watch to get your mind off whatever is bothering you.  Here's a new favorite of mine:

Hilarious.  And who doesn't love Beauty and the Beast?
Trying-to-relax yours,
The Renaissance Girl.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Quick Tip for Your Home/Dorm

One thing I've really been loving lately is burning a scented candle.  It makes your room smell super nice.  And it makes you feel like a grownup because there's a fire going on in your room, and it's okay!

The one I have right now is called Spiced Apple by Flora and Fauna, a brand I found at Stein Mart.  Mostly it just smells like cinnamon apples, and it's delicious.  It totally makes me think of fall, leaves falling, fires and mulling spices (like my favorite ones from Crate&Barrel).

I also want to try candles from Bath & Body Works.  Especially the one called Leaves because I've heard a lot of people say they really like it.  And Bath & Body Works has the cutest candle holders ever, like this pumpkin one.

Happy almost Halloween!

Anyway, if you live in a dorm or for some other reason you can't burn a candle, plug-in oils are also really nice.  Bath & Body Works has some that I'm sure are great.  But I've used ones from Glade before and they were both really good and way less expensive.  I believe the scents I used were Cinnamon Apple and French Vanilla, but I'm not positive.

I know I love having my room smell like something besides cat and my deodorant.  Maybe you will, too.
Smelling-my-candle-and-playing-with-fire yours,
The Renaissance Girl.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

153: Bill Engvall: a Great Southern Comedian

Bill Engvall is one of my favorite stand-up comedians.

He's that ordinary Southern boy you see driving his pickup, hunting deer and going to state fairs.  And he's hilarious.

Engvall is a true Southern man, born, raised and educated in Texas.  His big break in comedy came in 1996 when he released his first comedy album "Here's Your Sign."  

“Here’s Your Sign” is actually his signature bit. Basically, he believes that stupid people should have to wear signs saying, “I’m stupid.”  Mostly, he just tells funny situations where people do dumb things.

He’s done 9 albums now.  Some of them are more of "Here's Your Sign," but most of his comedy is actually him talking about his daily life.  He talks about being married, getting older, having kids and many other classic family moments. 

Another thing he is well known for is his part in the Blue Collar Comedy Tour.  He’s a member of the group with Jeff Foxworthy, Larry the Cable Guy and Ron White.  The group has their own TV show, Blue Collar TV, and has released 3 movies.

Here's a video of Engvall performing live. 

His latest album, "Aged and Confused," really focuses on him turning 50 and everything he now has to deal with.

Engvall is currently touring if you're interested in going to see him, HERE is a list of dates and places he will be.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Childhood Love

The Lion King in 3D came out last Friday and guess who saw it, on Friday?? ME!  

First of all, I really think everyone should go see it.  You will one, be amazed at how much of the songs you remember.  Two, you'll laugh even harder because some of the dialog is truly written for adults to get (did you know Timone references drag??).  And three, it will take you back to your childhood when life wasn't so complicated and your main problem was eating your vegetables.

The Lion King, if you've been living under a rock, is an incredible movie.  It's all about this lion cub who's in line to become the next lion king and all of his trials and adventures.  (I wish I didn't have type out a plot hook for this movie, but someone recently told me they've never seen it.  I almost had a heart attack.)

Also, you'll go around for the next week singing the Lion King songs, like I have.  You could also take your cat, or a stuffed animal  if you don't have one, and hold them up when Simba gets held up, like I may or may not have done to my roommate's cat (Sssh).

I truly love the entire movie, but one of my favorite scenes and favorite songs is the "Circle of Life" from the very beginning.  My favorite scene is when the sun rises and the music goes, "NAAAAAASIBWENYA" or something like that.  To me, it signals the beginning of something amazing, and I love it.

It gets me every time.  And for those of you who were more Disney Princess people, that's totally fine!  Go watch your favorite Disney movie from your childhood!  You'll feel 1000x better, I promise.  And if you now want to go see it, HERE is a link to find when it's playing near you!  But hurry because it's only playing for 2 weeks and this Friday, 9/23, will be the end of Week 1!

My heart is lighter already from typing this post for you.  Have a super, Disney-filled day!
Still-singing-NAAAAAASIBWENYA yours,
The Renaissance Girl. 
P.S. I just watched that song again, and I got chills.
P.P.S. I'm seeing it again on Saturday.  No shame.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Quick Intro to One of My Obsessions

Okay, I've mentioned this before (have you been paying attention?), but I love Frank Sinatra.  I love everything about him.  Literally everything.  One of the great tragedies of my life is that he's dead and I won't ever be able to hear see him sing live.  I could list out all the reasons y'all should love him too, but that would take way too long.  I'll do a more in-depth post on my full opinion of Frank later.  But I've been singing this song all day and thought I would use it to introduce you guys to the best musician you'll never meet.

I will never be able to repay my band teacher for introducing me to this incredible man and his music.  And yes this is the song from "Catch Me If You Can," 10 life points if you caught that.
Thinking-I-was-born-in-the-wrong-decade yours,
The Renaissance Girl.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Something to Distract You

Recently, my roommate and I spent 90 minutes watching Steve Kardynal's videos on YouTube.  They are HILARIOUS.  Seriously, I was laughing so hard my cheeks started to hurt, and I began to get a headache.  But I kept watching anyways!  Here's one of my favorites:

His other videos, like his Katy Perry "Peacock" one (which is not actually on his channel, but it's him.  Watch it.) literally had me laughing for hours.  Even now, I get the giggles.

Now, don't be alarmed if you don't get this.  A lot of these songs are "current," parents.  So you might not understand why I (or any other one of us "young people") think this is hilarious.  Never fear, for I have found a video that we can all enjoy, no matter your age.  So gather yourselves, your parents, your grandparents, your siblings, your children, their children and watch (drumroll please) a SNEEZING BABY PANDA!!!

A classic, don't you agree?  Well, that's all from me.  Aren't you now distracted?  You're welcome.
Wishing-Steve-Kardynal-was-in-my-real-life yours,
The Renaissance Girl.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Budget-Friendly And DELICIOUS Meal (for all you poor college kids like me)

So I moved off-campus this year, which means I've been having to cook for myself.  Needless to say, I've been eating a lot of sandwiches.  And there is nothing wrong with that!  I could probably survive on sandwiches for every meal of the day: a McMuffin type thing in the morning, a cold sandwich for lunch, a hamburger for dinner, and an ice cream sandwich for dessert! (Doesn't that sound delicious? Maybe I'll have an entire sandwich day.  I'll keep you posted.)  But anyway, one thing I've been eating and now have almost perfected making is really good tuna salad.  And it's super easy, pretty cheap and delicious!  Here's how I make it:

What You Need
- TUNA (Bumble Bee Solid White Albacore is my go-to.  And you can get as much as you like.  I like to make a fair amount at once to save time.)

- MAYONNAISE (I usually get light mayonnaise to try to cut out some of the fat.  And the fat-free is just gross.  But if you're going whole hog, get regular mayo!)

- SWEET RELISH (I love this stuff, and I can honestly eat it by itself.  So I put a lot in, but you can again, do whatever you wish.  That's the fun!)

- SALT AND PEPPER TO TASTE (Maybe that didn't need to go in all-caps.)

How You Make It
1. Open and drain your tuna.  (Draining is really easy.  Just press the lid into the open tuna, and tilt it so the juice runs into the sink.)

2. Put tuna into your storing container.  (I tend to mix the tuna right in the tupperware I'm storing it in to save on dishes used.  But if you would rather have a separate bowl for mixing, go right ahead.)

3. Put in your mayonnaise.  (Okay, this is where you really choose how much you want.  Remember, you can always add things but can't take them out.  So I suggest to start with a little and taste it along the way.  Generally, if I'm making three of the small cans from Bumble Bee, I'll put in about two tablespoons of mayo.  You want the consistency where you can still see the tuna chunks, but it's pretty creamy.  Okay, stop crying and whining about how I'm not being specific and just make your tuna, you babies.)

4.  Put in your sweet relish.  (Again, it's however much you want, but I usually do about two tablespoons again, for the three small cans.  But really, you can't mess up the relish.  It's. So. GOOD.)

5.  Mix it around, until it's all blended together.  (Did anyone else just have a SpongeBob flashback where he's trying to teach Squidward how to blow bubbles?  And he sings "Bring it around town, BRING IT AROUND"? Nope? Just me?)

6.  Now taste, add anything you think you need more of, including salt and pepper.  (I don't really know how to elaborate on this step.  Just eat the tuna and fix what you think you need to fix and you'll be set.)


Okay usually there's a step 6.5 where I let it sit overnight to really let all the flavors combine and become more of a tuna salad than a combination of the various ingredients.  But that's completely optional.  You can of course eat it right away!

Some Ideas for Meals With Your Tuna Salad
- Tuna Sandwich (Put the tuna on the bread.  DONE.)

- Tuna and Crackers (Put the tuna on delicious crackers, like Triscuits.  Yum.)

- Just Tuna (Just eat it plain.  It's delicious!)

- Tuna Melt? (Is this a real thing? I might be making this up, but I think some people like a hot tuna sandwich.  You could toast bread, heat up the tuna, and make a sandwich.  Or put it in a panini press, but if you're like me and making tuna is a highlight of the week YOUR LIFE, you probably don't have a panini press.)

So that's all I think have to say about tuna.  Truly, a favorite food of mine.  So next time you're looking for something to eat, try tuna and be your own chef.  You could even narrate your cooking by pretending you're on Iron Chef America against Bobby Flay (yuck.  Bobby Flay).  And you beat him with your AWESOME TUNA!

The Renaissance Girl.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The Church I Want To Get Married In

In July 2010, I took a trip to Barcelona with my cousins.  There, I discovered a love for the architect Antoni Gaudi and his unfinished church, La Sagrada Familia.  Discarding the usual church design, Gaudi favored a more natural church, and his ideas resulted in the most beautiful church I've ever seen.  And it's not even done yet!  The outside is covered with natural designs, like various animals and different kinds of leaves and flowers.  The facade almost looks like a sandcastle made from dripping wet sand through your fingers, but it's incredible.  Here's a picture of the whole outside and a closeup, so you can see for yourself.

The facade

A closeup

Isn't it incredible? In the inside, Gaudi continues his natural theme with a ceiling of flowers (so pretty) and stained glass that instead of depicting religious scenes, takes on organic shapes.  Here's some more pictures.

The (incredible) ceiling

The stained glass (which is currently my desktop background)

The great tragedy here is that the church is unfinished.  Gaudi was tragically hit by a car and killed before he could finish it.  But his plans are intact and they are finishing the church, bit by bit.  So there's even more incredible awesomeness to come!

I am truly in love with this church.  My dream wedding would be here.  And I am definitely going back once it's finally complete.  By the way, if you love this church too,  you should A) go there and B) check his Casa del Ossos or the Casa Batllo (they're the same thing).  Also incredible, natural, etc.  Looks like you're in Alice in Wonderland!
Planning-my-future-wedding-here yours,
The Renaissance Girl.

153: Obama Urges Debt Deal

President Barack Obama urged Americans on Tuesday to support a balanced approach to debt reduction and to let their representatives know how they feel, lest Congress be locked in a stalemate.

Obama explained that there were two approaches to the deficit reduction currently being considered.  One, which he called the balanced approach, would involve everyone taking cuts or giving something up, like tax breaks.  The other, which Republicans favor, would keep tax breaks for the wealthiest companies and would instead take deep cuts from everything else.

Obama favors the balanced plan, insisting that it is unfair to take only deep cuts from certain causes.  According to Obama, under the balanced approach, 98 percent of Americans who make less than $250,000 would see no tax increase.

The Republicans have a different opinion, however, and they currently hold the power to affect the nation’s choice.  In his speech, Obama explained that the method of deficit reduction chosen is tied to the decision about the debt ceiling.  The Republicans will not vote to raise the debt ceiling unless their plan of deep cuts is passed.

This presents a challenge, for if the debt ceiling isn’t raised, America could default on its loans for the first time in history.  Defaulting would drop America’s credit rating around the world and could push the United States into even greater economic distress. 

Obama said he is confident that a compromise can be reached and understands Americans’ frustration with Washington, saying,  “People are tired of a town where compromise has become a dirty word.”  Obama urged Americans to let their representatives know how they feel about the deficit reduction.  He said that he is certain that Congress can put aside “pride and party to form a more perfect union.”

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

153: Top 5 Websites. Ever.

The Internet has roughly 267 million websites on it.  Most of those are probably websites about people's weird obsessions, like their ferrets or manure business, but some of them are actually worth reading.  Here's my five favorite websites, in no particular order.

1. Oh No They Didn't! -
The tag line really says it all - The celebrities are disposable.  The gossip is priceless.  This is where I go to learn about all the various happenings in Hollywood, from stars walking around to music releases to TV reviews and anything you could imagine.  But Sarah, you might say, why do you go here when you could just go to People online and read there?  Easy.  This is a website written by people just like you and me, talking about things they love in a humorous fashion.  That's it.  P.S. There's a version of ONTD (it's the abbreviation for Oh No They Didn't, come on now people) for almost everything.  Whether you're into figure skating or TV, there's probably an ONTD for you, so don't be afraid to do a little research (Did all of you guys' hearts just race a little bit thinking about research? Mine did.) and find one specific to your likes.

Okay, this one is kind of a no-brainer.  YouTube literally has everything and anything on there, and I can easily spend hours looking at videos, thanks to the Related Videos function.  Do you remember that commercial you saw in 2000 that you absolutely loved? It's on YouTube!  Want to watch cats jumping into boxes or playing the piano? It's there!  And besides entertainment, YouTube has thousands of informational videos, from cooking recipes to how to a pick a lock (I literally just typed how to pick into YouTube and it has like 20 suggestions.  Guess I know what I'll be doing this afternoon!).  Bottom line:  YouTube = amazing.
Alright, I guess Facebook can make the list, mostly because it's the main way I keep in touch with people.  And yes, I think everyone should have a Facebook because it's the main way our generation communicates, and if you don't have one you're missing out.  But I want to put in a word of caution.  Facebook is an accessory to your life, not a way to live it.  Watch this Toyota commercial and you'll get it.
I can't believe I almost forgot about ModCloth!  Guys, seriously, if I had all the money in the world, my clothes would come from Anthropologie and ModCloth.  I know you're thinking it's just another clothing site, but ModCloth really is different.  It's a site that sells clothes, accessories, shoes, whatever from hundreds of designers that range from big corporations to small boutiques.  From this, you get really unique pieces that are still affordable and easy to wear.  They also really have a focus on interacting with the consumers (that's us guys) by Facebooking, Tweeting and having a feature called Be the Buyer.  This is where we get to vote on pieces we would like to see sold on ModCloth.  I can also easily get lost in this site, and if you have a special occasion where you need a standout dress or outfit, this is the place to get it.  Currently, I'm hankering over THIS dress, but I haven't found a reason to buy it yet.  If you can think of one, please let me know!

Last but certainly not least is Amazon.  Kind of another no-brainer, Amazon literally has anything you could want for sale.  I got my dad's Christmas present, a back-scratcher from Amazon.  And he loves it!  They also have a new program (well it's new to me) called Textbook Buyback where you send textbooks you've bought back to Amazon.  If they meet a certain quality standard, you get an Amazon gift card to go buy whatever your little heart desires, like that caramel popcorn I found once that I just remembered and am now thinking about buying again.  Yum.  Seriously, just go there.  You'll be hooked.

The Internet is one of those things that truly revolutionized the world we live in.  While most of it is probably garbage, there is a lot that is worth the search.  So, off to Google and away we go!
Really-wanting-some-caramel-popcorn-now yours,
The Renaissance Girl. 

Monday, August 29, 2011

Book I'm Loving (And You Might Too!)

So, I don't know if y'all have heard of the HBO show True Blood, but it's awesome.  You all should watch it.

In fact, it's okay to stop reading this and go start watching.  But watch from the beginning! Or else you won't understand anything, and then I'll be responsible for confused people wandering across the globe, with no idea why they should hate Bill, love Eric and follow this show religiously.

Anyway, the show is based on a book series called the Sookie Stackhouse novels by Charlaine Harris, and those are the books I've been loving!  

I'm on the third one, Club Dead, right now, and I literally have trouble not reading them.  They're part mystery, romance, thriller, fantasy, humor and suspense.  Basically everything you would want in a book.  

And if you're already watching True Blood, all the more reason to go read the books!  Do you hate Tara and wish that she and her momma drama had never existed? In the books, they don't! And are you so tired of Lafayette and Jesus that when you see them onscreen you know it's okay to go to the bathroom? Well, not to spoil anyone's reading, but Lafayette gets murdered pretty early on!

So, stop reading this, and go read the books.  And watch the TV show.  I mean, who doesn't want someone telling them to stop reading and go watch TV?  That's what I'm doing.  Right now.  Stop reading.  Now.
Wishing-Eric-Northman-were-here yours,
The Renaissance Girl.