Monday, July 2, 2012

6/24: Steve Irwin says What??

One of these days I am going to get this thing completely caught up. Unfortunately, it will probably be right as I am about to leave. Oh well. Again, let's take this day by day.

Friday: After going out particularly hard Thursday night, we decided we needed a beach day and headed down to the Gold Coast, specifically Surfer's Paradise. Essentially, it is the tourist destination for the Gold Coast, so nothing too spectacular. But it was nice just to laze around on the beach for a little bit. We also got asked to be in a photograph for a news article on how the male-female ratio is way off on the Gold Coast. We did it. It was super awkward (how is pointing at a guy that you don't know not awkward??) and now our picture is up online somewhere for everyone to see. Still pretty fun. Stayed in Friday night and had some nice girl time.

Saturday: Saturday morning, we decided to climb Mt. Coot-tha. Okay, climb is probably not the right word. What I actually mean is hike about 3000m to the top of the mountain, where you can see almost all of BrisVegas (my new favourite abbreviation for Brisbane). The hike would have been fine, except that I woke up that morning with a horrid cold that I'm still battling more than 10 days later. But we made it to the top, got an incredible view, and made it home without anything horrid happening. Then, we had been invited over for dinner by Kristi's boss. We met her at a shopping mall and she drove us over to her house. She made us roast beef, potatoes, peas and carrots. It was awesome. Nothing really beats a true home-cooked meal. Plus, her, her husband, and their three-year-old were super nice. Also, she made us chocolate pavlova for dessert. Mmmmmm. Mouth waters just thinking about it. After we got home from dinner, the rest of the girls went out dancing, while I (with a fever of probably 101) decided to stay in and have a resting night.

Sunday: Felt a lot better in the morning. We decided to go ahead and get up and go the Australian Zoo, home of Steve Irwin. Unfortunately for us, it decided to rain. So we went to the zoo. In the rain. While I was sick. Still had a good time though. After finally getting there around 11, we walked around a little and grabbed lunch (first hot dog in Oz - surprisingly not too bad) and went to go watch the main show of the day, which included the Irwin family. It was really neat to see them all live. And they fed this huge crocodile - definitely something I'm not sure I could have done. After that, we walked around a bit more and eventually ended up being able to feed the elephants!! It was so cool, their trunks are so muscly and cool. I love elephants. I officially want an elephant, a platypus, and a basset hound puppy for pets. Sounds good right?

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