Friday, May 10, 2013

Light at the End of the Tunnel

Sorry for not blogging lately.  But I have been buried in schoolwork, stress, last days stuff and sleep.  So I've had other things to do.


Went to Oil Shoppe again.  Got it to go and got some groceries.  They're really close to each other too so it's a nice little routine.  Began stressing about my paper.  Only completed an outline before I went to bed. 


Class was fine.  Meh.  Started paper.  Little to no motivation.  Ending up going up for a drink and dinner with Liz and Jessica.  Awesome.  Went and got a drink at a place called Art Bar.  Appropriate because their drinks are like works of art.

Isn't it pretty?

Then we decided to go to dinner.  But where would be a good place, symbolic of our journey and good food?  Acqua al Due.

It's so weird to me thinking about how I felt walking in there months ago, terrified of Italy, not knowing anyone and not really understanding anything.  My first picture of this whole experience is of the placemat, so naturally, I took another one of the placemat.  It's sad, this journey is almost over.  I feel like I only just got here.  I don't like it.

Regardless, the food was incredible, as is to be expected.  We got a pasta sampler, a meat sampler and a dessert sampler to split among the three of us and it was all delicious.  And some wine, of course.

This photo makes me very nostalgic

Yum yum bruschetta and white bean dip

Broccoli pasta (good - and that's saying something since I don't like broccoli)

Zucchini pasta (top) and pasta with vodka (bottom) - both really good

Gnocchi with vegetable ragu (delicious - favorite definitely)

We also had another pasta (rigatoni with tomato sauce I think) but I forgot to take a picture of it.  But it was good too.

Meat sampler

L to R:  Blueberry steak (good), Balsamic steak (better), plain steak with rocket and Parmesan cheese (best)

Dessert sampler, clockwise: apple tart, cheesecake with strawberry topping, tiramisu, chocolate cake.  All delicious, can't pick a favorite.

So then, I got to come back from that awesome dinner and write most of my paper.  Yay.  I finally finished around 4am and collapsed into bed.  


No art class (thank goodness) so got up, edited my paper and went to class and turned it in.  Phew.  Finally done with all the stupid paper business.  Then I got to meet a girl in my Italian class and basically tutor her for an hour and a half.  She just needs way more help than I can give her.  I would try to get her to tell me stuff but she didn't know, so she would just read off her notes, which isn't going to help at all.  So essentially, I wasted an hour and a half of my life.

I did go to the Oil Shoppe afterwards to treat myself though.  So that was nice.  I think the lady almost knows my name now.  Success.

Then I came home, ate, took a nap, woke up and went to Dante's for dinner with the roommates.  Got lasagna (pretty good) and drank a fair amount of wine.  On the way home, we stopped to take photos and Alex set down her purse for about 2 minutes and some guy tried to take it.  He got about 20 feet away before me and Erika chased him down and he just held out the purse for us to grab.  So don't worry Mom, no one got hurt or whatever and there was six of us against one guy so he knew he didn't have a chance.  So no harm, no foul.  

Then we just hung around talking and playing cards before going to bed.

FRIDAY (today)

Me and Liz had a Holocaust visit to the synagogue today.  It was kind of interesting but it could have taken half the time it actually took.  She walked so slow and talked forever about nothing.  It was cool though, I've never been in a synagogue.

Then we came back, took a three hour nap (heaven), went to Oil Shoppe again (I might be addicted...oops), took a shower and been planning and updating for a couple hours now.

Got some accommodations booked, been organizing photos and working on this blog post.  I think tonight we're having dinner at the apartment and then going to see Iron Man 3 at the really nice movie theater in town.  That'll be nice because it's been raining all afternoon.  Gross.


1 comment:

  1. Hope you get back to The Art Bar and get some more pictures! That drink is gorgeous!! Very glad to hear no harm, no foul in the purse incident!
