Thursday, August 25, 2011

Hello and Welcome

Hello Internet! Here are some quick facts about me: 

- Where I go to school: UNC Chapel Hill 

- What year am I: Sophomore 

- Major/Minor: Advertising/Music 

- Favorite animal: Elephant 

- Favorite cereal: Lucky Charms 

- Favorite food: Watermelon 

- Favorite meal (because there is a distinction): Orange chicken and chow mein from Panda Express (Am I allowed to say that here? I don't know. But that's where it's the best.). 

- Why I named my blog The Renaissance Girl: Once, during a particularly boring psychology class, my friend turned to me and told me I belonged in the Renaissance. Now whether she thinks I'm an old soul who was actually in the Renaissance or she was just sleep deprived is still to be determined. But I'd like to think of myself as a little off the beaten track, a little more old school. 

- What my blog's about: Everything really. Things I think are interesting, books to read, music to listen to, recipes to try, places or things to see, videos or movies to watch. Anything that catches my eye. And then there will be the occasional news update or personal story, but we'll just see how that goes. 

So this is the beginning of me telling y'all the things that are going on inside my head. Oh boy.
Nervously yours,
The Renaissance Girl.

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