Tuesday, August 30, 2011

153: Top 5 Websites. Ever.

The Internet has roughly 267 million websites on it.  Most of those are probably websites about people's weird obsessions, like their ferrets or manure business, but some of them are actually worth reading.  Here's my five favorite websites, in no particular order.

1. Oh No They Didn't! - http://ohnotheydidnt.livejournal.com/
The tag line really says it all - The celebrities are disposable.  The gossip is priceless.  This is where I go to learn about all the various happenings in Hollywood, from stars walking around to music releases to TV reviews and anything you could imagine.  But Sarah, you might say, why do you go here when you could just go to People online and read there?  Easy.  This is a website written by people just like you and me, talking about things they love in a humorous fashion.  That's it.  P.S. There's a version of ONTD (it's the abbreviation for Oh No They Didn't, come on now people) for almost everything.  Whether you're into figure skating or TV, there's probably an ONTD for you, so don't be afraid to do a little research (Did all of you guys' hearts just race a little bit thinking about research? Mine did.) and find one specific to your likes.

Okay, this one is kind of a no-brainer.  YouTube literally has everything and anything on there, and I can easily spend hours looking at videos, thanks to the Related Videos function.  Do you remember that commercial you saw in 2000 that you absolutely loved? It's on YouTube!  Want to watch cats jumping into boxes or playing the piano? It's there!  And besides entertainment, YouTube has thousands of informational videos, from cooking recipes to how to a pick a lock (I literally just typed how to pick into YouTube and it has like 20 suggestions.  Guess I know what I'll be doing this afternoon!).  Bottom line:  YouTube = amazing.
Alright, I guess Facebook can make the list, mostly because it's the main way I keep in touch with people.  And yes, I think everyone should have a Facebook because it's the main way our generation communicates, and if you don't have one you're missing out.  But I want to put in a word of caution.  Facebook is an accessory to your life, not a way to live it.  Watch this Toyota commercial and you'll get it.
I can't believe I almost forgot about ModCloth!  Guys, seriously, if I had all the money in the world, my clothes would come from Anthropologie and ModCloth.  I know you're thinking it's just another clothing site, but ModCloth really is different.  It's a site that sells clothes, accessories, shoes, whatever from hundreds of designers that range from big corporations to small boutiques.  From this, you get really unique pieces that are still affordable and easy to wear.  They also really have a focus on interacting with the consumers (that's us guys) by Facebooking, Tweeting and having a feature called Be the Buyer.  This is where we get to vote on pieces we would like to see sold on ModCloth.  I can also easily get lost in this site, and if you have a special occasion where you need a standout dress or outfit, this is the place to get it.  Currently, I'm hankering over THIS dress, but I haven't found a reason to buy it yet.  If you can think of one, please let me know!

Last but certainly not least is Amazon.  Kind of another no-brainer, Amazon literally has anything you could want for sale.  I got my dad's Christmas present, a back-scratcher from Amazon.  And he loves it!  They also have a new program (well it's new to me) called Textbook Buyback where you send textbooks you've bought back to Amazon.  If they meet a certain quality standard, you get an Amazon gift card to go buy whatever your little heart desires, like that caramel popcorn I found once that I just remembered and am now thinking about buying again.  Yum.  Seriously, just go there.  You'll be hooked.

The Internet is one of those things that truly revolutionized the world we live in.  While most of it is probably garbage, there is a lot that is worth the search.  So, off to Google and away we go!
Really-wanting-some-caramel-popcorn-now yours,
The Renaissance Girl. 

Monday, August 29, 2011

Book I'm Loving (And You Might Too!)

So, I don't know if y'all have heard of the HBO show True Blood, but it's awesome.  You all should watch it.

In fact, it's okay to stop reading this and go start watching.  But watch from the beginning! Or else you won't understand anything, and then I'll be responsible for confused people wandering across the globe, with no idea why they should hate Bill, love Eric and follow this show religiously.

Anyway, the show is based on a book series called the Sookie Stackhouse novels by Charlaine Harris, and those are the books I've been loving!  

I'm on the third one, Club Dead, right now, and I literally have trouble not reading them.  They're part mystery, romance, thriller, fantasy, humor and suspense.  Basically everything you would want in a book.  

And if you're already watching True Blood, all the more reason to go read the books!  Do you hate Tara and wish that she and her momma drama had never existed? In the books, they don't! And are you so tired of Lafayette and Jesus that when you see them onscreen you know it's okay to go to the bathroom? Well, not to spoil anyone's reading, but Lafayette gets murdered pretty early on!

So, stop reading this, and go read the books.  And watch the TV show.  I mean, who doesn't want someone telling them to stop reading and go watch TV?  That's what I'm doing.  Right now.  Stop reading.  Now.
Wishing-Eric-Northman-were-here yours,
The Renaissance Girl.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Classical Music You'll Acutally Like

So, I guess another big part of my personality is that I'm a band geek.  I really like music.  And not just Top 40 stuff but music like Frank Sinatra, even Mozart (although really, who doesn't like Britney Spears?). 

Okay, you're being just a little dramatic clutching your heart and gasping for air over there, why don't you calm down.  Some of it is actually really good! 

So, every so often (or whenever I feel like it), I'm going to post a piece of music that you probably haven't heard before or even know exists but one that is worth listening to.  Therefore, my inaugural post of "Classical Music You'll Actually Like" is "The Promise of Living" by Aaron Copland.

Copland was an American composer who wrote everything from film scores to symphonies to operas, and this piece comes from his opera called "The Tender Land."  The opera tells the story of a Midwestern farm family, trying to make ends meet. 

This particular piece breathes hope into all who hear it, and it's impossible to be sad while listening (Wasn't that deep? And I wrote that myself!).  This YouTube video has an incredible recording of the piece paired with some old film reels, and it is truly stunning.

So go watch it, thank me later, realize that not all classical music is awful, and eagerly await for the next installment of "Classical Music You'll Actually Like."
Forever-singing yours,
The Renaissance Girl.

Hello and Welcome

Hello Internet! Here are some quick facts about me: 

- Where I go to school: UNC Chapel Hill 

- What year am I: Sophomore 

- Major/Minor: Advertising/Music 

- Favorite animal: Elephant 

- Favorite cereal: Lucky Charms 

- Favorite food: Watermelon 

- Favorite meal (because there is a distinction): Orange chicken and chow mein from Panda Express (Am I allowed to say that here? I don't know. But that's where it's the best.). 

- Why I named my blog The Renaissance Girl: Once, during a particularly boring psychology class, my friend turned to me and told me I belonged in the Renaissance. Now whether she thinks I'm an old soul who was actually in the Renaissance or she was just sleep deprived is still to be determined. But I'd like to think of myself as a little off the beaten track, a little more old school. 

- What my blog's about: Everything really. Things I think are interesting, books to read, music to listen to, recipes to try, places or things to see, videos or movies to watch. Anything that catches my eye. And then there will be the occasional news update or personal story, but we'll just see how that goes. 

So this is the beginning of me telling y'all the things that are going on inside my head. Oh boy.
Nervously yours,
The Renaissance Girl.