Thursday, December 1, 2011

153: Survey Story

Most Cityville residents favor rollout garbage collection, the “Pulse People Poll” reported Thursday.

“We have been considering rollout collection for years,” Cityville Mayor Anne Taylor said.

According to the “Pulse People Poll:”
            - 62 percent of people interviewed favored rollout collection
                  - 24 percent disapproved
                  - 13.5 percent had no opinion

Taylor estimated rollout collection would save the city $500,000 a year in workers’ time.

According to Taylor, sanitation workers are currently collecting trash twice a week.  They are also going behind people’s houses and into their yards to collect garbage.

Under the new plan of rollout collection, Taylor said the sanitation workers would collect garbage cans only once a week from the street in front of people’s houses.

New cans would be distributed to residents that are big enough to hold one week’s trash, Taylor said.

Even though a majority of residents favor rollout collection, 24 percent do not approve. 

According to the “Pulse People Poll,” most who disapproved of rollout collection were 45 years of age or older.

In terms of age, 47 percent of the respondents in the poll were 25 to 44 years old, while 43 percent were 45 years of age or older.

Cityville resident Marie Goush, 78, is a resident who disapproves of rollout collection.

“Rollout collection is a terrible idea,” she said.  “I can hardly walk, and it’s too much to get my garbage can out to the street.”

“What’s happening to this town when these nice amenities are just disappearing?” Goush said.

According to Taylor, waivers would be given to individuals who are not physically able to roll the cans to the street.

Taylor cited another town as an example of successful rollout collection.

“Cressett has used rollout garbage cans for five years, and there seems to be no complaint,” she said.

Whether Cityville will implement a rollout garbage collection program is still unclear. 

The poll was conducted by students at the Polling Institute at City University.  Student interviewers called 452 Cityville residents whose phone numbers were randomly selected by a computer. 

Interviewing was conducted on Monday and Tuesday of last week. 

76.7 percent of respondents had a college degree.  50 percent were working full time.  52 percent were women.  40 percent had lived in Cityville more than 10 years.  9 percent were minorities.

The margin of error is plus or minus 5 percent.